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Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-06-14 12:18 AM (rev. 2 of 12-06-14 12:18 AM) Link | #52276

"Mario, mario, wake up!", toad shouted. "what-a-happened?" mario asked? "Evil off topic jail-breakers made you go to sleep and a unstructured maor322 story corrupted your mind!" toad blabbed. Toadsworth told mario that the princess has been captured. 'what about the inanimate objects attacking us??" waluigi said. "indeed. thats why bowser captured the princess! with her powers she can unleash the dark star. than bowser can turn the "dark star" into an inanimate object that can attack! bowser can make billions of them! go mario, and pals! save our world!". Mario and friends went into the vast cookie forest. "YO, DID YOU SEE A GANG OF 'off topic bandits'" a cookie flower yelled. "yes"said luigi. "than ran into the maple-chocolate-chip tree. They stole my things!" the flower said.

A. mario run into the cookie-maple tree to catch the off topic bandits.
B. sneak in through the back way of the tree to sneak-up on the off topic bandits

Posted on 12-07-14 03:58 PM Link | #52408

They see cookies, and take one, off topic jail breakers catches them. What will they do?

B. Settle it in SMASH!
C. Just tell them that Mario is pregnant so they explode.

discord: taikonotatsujin
photobucke­t ;)

Psycho Python Ω
Posted on 12-07-14 09:18 PM Link | #52439

And what would an RPG without turn-based combat be? Right, a good one. But this is not a good one, so here goes:


-Mario used 'Basic Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 10 damage points.

-Luigi used 'Thunderstrike'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.

-Wario used 'Hammerslammer'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.

-Waluigi used 'Tornado Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker dodges like a pro.

-Offtopic Jailbreaker used 'Offtop Flame'-
Wario suffered 15 damage points.


-Mario used 'Fireball Flare'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 25 damage points.
Offtopic Jailbreaker is defeated.

'That was long and pointless', Waluigi exclaims 'Could we please be productive now and save princess Breach...I mean Peach?'.
The others agree. 'But where to start?', Luigi asks. No one said a thing. Hoping to be productive as Waluigi puts it, they...

A. ...head North towards Mt. Frostbite.
B. ...head East towards the Great Toadley River.
C. ...head South towards Blazeflame Desert.
D. ...head West to Deadland Forest.
Status: Highly Responsive to Pancakes will soon be Highly Released to Public. :D
Python's Danmakufu Chamber - Energy Balls and Lasers of all Shapes and Colors.

Posted on 12-08-14 12:17 AM Link | #52455

A toad house appears suddenly! Toad asks if the gang would like some powerups!

A. Kill Toad because it scared the hell out of Luigi
B. Burn the toad house.
C. Ask Toad to join your team, in which he says yes. You now have a new member that can be swapped out with another member. However, he's on defense more, thus his attack power only starts with 10. His HP is a great 59, and takes only a quarter of damage that was supposed to be inflicted on him.

discord: taikonotatsujin
photobucke­t ;)

Posted on 12-09-14 11:40 PM Link | #52534

Toad then gives them a invincibility star, so everybody starts flying around, when suddenly, Bowser comes up!

A. Fight and KILL HIM
B. Fight and DON'T KILL HIM
C. Don't fight
Awesome post layout with the help of Tierage's awesome tutorial!

Red Luigi
...and that's about it

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-10-14 01:41 AM (rev. 2 of 12-10-14 01:42 AM) Link | #52538

they find out its just a goomba banawannabe with a bowser costume. they find out, to get o bowsers castle, they can go through one of these worlds that leads them to bowser's castle

A. ...head North towards Mt. Frostbite.
B. ...head East towards the Great Toadley River.
C. ...head South towards Blazeflame Desert.
D. ...head West to mushroom Gallylines.

Posted on 12-10-14 01:44 AM Link | #52539

It turns out it's a world with ICE CREAM

A. Just call Bowser and tell him to meet them at Peach's castle to continue the fight while staying.
B. Go back and fight.
C. Fight in the Ice Cream world, where you realize that the weapons only shoot Ice Cream.

discord: taikonotatsujin
photobucke­t ;)

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-10-14 01:48 AM (rev. 2 of 12-10-14 01:49 AM) Link | #52540

they see mr.frostbite way in the background. Mario and friends load some Ice Cream balls and ride yoshis to mr.frostbite. Suddenly, snowballs block there paths.

A. Rayman comes to help
B. they walk around it by going into a frozen, danger filled cave.

Posted on 12-11-14 03:38 AM Link | #52577

They go inside when suddenly, rocks fall down, leaving them trapped. But suddenly, Mario sees a fire flower and grabs it. Suddenly out of nowhere, 10000 goombas come running at Mario and his gang!

A. FIRE FLOWER all of them
B. Stomp on them
C. Use Luigi's super speedy fast but really weird and funky golden mushroom
Awesome post layout with the help of Tierage's awesome tutorial!

Red Luigi
...and that's about it

Posted on 12-11-14 09:18 PM Link | #52598

It blows up.

A. Die
B. Use Toad's magic, because you let him in when he offered you 10000000000 powers.

discord: taikonotatsujin
photobucke­t ;)

Posted on 12-12-14 04:52 AM Link | #52608

When you use Toad's magic, you get sent flying to space, warping into another dimention. Suddenly, you're back in Super Mario Galaxy and you're in the Flip Switch Galaxy!

A. Flip all of the switches
B. Do nothing
C. Fall into the blackhole
Awesome post layout with the help of Tierage's awesome tutorial!

Red Luigi
...and that's about it

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-14-14 01:51 AM Link | #52682

they warp into bowsers castle! they find drybones and lots of convyer belts, and spike balls near bowser. they see a sign that says ''level 40 only for bowser''. another sign says ''level 10 this way''. the sign is pointing to a convyer belt with spike balls coming down.

A. find a different way to get level 10
B. use waluigi's agility to run through

Posted on 12-14-14 07:42 AM Link | #52686

Mario sees a question block, so he hits it, and reveals CAPTAIN TOAD?! Anyways, he has a Super Pickaxe in his hand so he smashes all of the spike balls. After that, they warp alllll the way to level 40, and Wingo's there!

A. Stomp him
B. Do it the usual way - walk allll the way up the stairs and fight him with turnips
C. Use Luigi's super speedy fast but really weird and funky golden mushroom
Awesome post layout with the help of Tierage's awesome tutorial!

Red Luigi
...and that's about it

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-14-14 03:06 PM Link | #52696
Posted by NintendoGamer

Mario sees a question block, so he hits it, and reveals CAPTAIN TOAD?! Anyways, he has a Super Pickaxe in his hand so he smashes all of the spike balls. After that, they warp alllll the way to level 40, and Wingo's there!

A. Stomp him
B. Do it the usual way - walk allll the way up the stairs and fight him with turnips
C. Use Luigi's super speedy fast but really weird and funky golden mushroom


"mario wake up!" luigi said. "you had a bad, unstructured dream-story!" wario said. Mario said "ok, but how do we get past these spike balls of doom. waluigi jumps in the air and throws purple fire balls to demolish every single spike ball. they all reach level 12. (they were level 2 already (2+10)). suddenly bowser sees them and blasts bullet bills at them they get flown into the middle of the ocean on a small log boat.

A. they raddle all the way back to the mushroom kingdom to work out a plan.
B. they raddle all the way to the mushroom kingdom supper fastly with a queen mushroom, and have a big water boat race with 10 shy guys. (your power ups are lightning, tornado, and fire flower (you cant use the same powerup twice))

Posted on 12-14-14 03:56 PM Link | #52699

Because they used the queen mushroom, their turns sucked, so they missed a turn and their boat crashed and got destroyed.

A. Use a teleporty mushroom thingy that Toad had.
B. Barrel roll all the way there.
C. Invert gravity.
D. Mario has a baby.

discord: taikonotatsujin
photobucke­t ;)

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-14-14 04:24 PM (rev. 3 of 12-14-14 04:24 PM) Link | #52702

they are now in the mushroom kingdom were they cook up a plan.. but bowser than falls from the sky! bowser saysthat fawfull blasted him away from his ownn castle and that its his now. all of his minons are now brrain washed mario and friends use a mini mushroom and go into bowser's body. bowser than walks into a tuvbe that leads underground, straight back to his castle. they are now underground were they find a new powerup! a spin drill! bowser walks towards it, when a big angry shyguy blocks it.

A. Bowser Fights!
B. Bowser runs away...

Posted on 12-15-14 04:36 AM Link | #52737

Turns out, he blocked it becuase it was his lunch. Then Bowser sees a gigantic cake.

A. Throw at him
B. Eat it
C. Burn it
Awesome post layout with the help of Tierage's awesome tutorial!

Red Luigi
...and that's about it

Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-15-14 11:50 PM (rev. 2 of 12-15-14 11:51 PM) Link | #52759

the shyguy is stunned!


bowser drops kicks him and than burns him with fire.


shy guy jumps in the air to ground pound bowser

A. Bowser takes damage.
B. Bowser dodges.
C. Bowser goes into his shell, leading to a counter attack

Posted on 12-16-14 07:32 PM Link | #52771

Shy Guy is hurt by Bowser. Shy Guy holds his samurai sword up and

A. Taunts Bowser
B. Kills Bowser
C. Hold Bowser as hostage

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Fruit Smasher
Posted on 12-16-14 10:46 PM Link | #52774

Bowser launches a hoard of goombas to tackle the shy guy.

A. shy guy takes damage
B. Shyguy counter attacks
C Shy guy dodges
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