And what would an RPG without turn-based combat be? Right, a good one. But this is not a good one, so here goes:
-Mario used 'Basic Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 10 damage points.
-Luigi used 'Thunderstrike'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.
-Wario used 'Hammerslammer'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.
-Waluigi used 'Tornado Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker dodges like a pro.
-Offtopic Jailbreaker used 'Offtop Flame'-
Wario suffered 15 damage points.
-Mario used 'Fireball Flare'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 25 damage points.
Offtopic Jailbreaker is defeated.
'That was long and pointless', Waluigi exclaims 'Could we please be productive now and save princess Breach...I mean Peach?'.
The others agree. 'But where to start?', Luigi asks. No one said a thing. Hoping to be productive as Waluigi puts it, they...
A. ...head North towards Mt. Frostbite.
B. ...head East towards the Great Toadley River.
C. ...head South towards Blazeflame Desert.
D. ...head West to Deadland Forest.
And what would an RPG without turn-based combat be? Right, a good one. But this is not a good one, so here goes:
-Mario used 'Basic Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 10 damage points.
-Luigi used 'Thunderstrike'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.
-Wario used 'Hammerslammer'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 30 damage points.
-Waluigi used 'Tornado Stomp'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker dodges like a pro.
-Offtopic Jailbreaker used 'Offtop Flame'-
Wario suffered 15 damage points.
-Mario used 'Fireball Flare'-
Offtopic Jailbreaker suffered 25 damage points.
Offtopic Jailbreaker is defeated.
'That was long and pointless', Waluigi exclaims 'Could we please be productive now and save princess Breach...I mean Peach?'.
The others agree. 'But where to start?', Luigi asks. No one said a thing. Hoping to be productive as Waluigi puts it, they...
A. ...head North towards Mt. Frostbite.
B. ...head East towards the Great Toadley River.
C. ...head South towards Blazeflame Desert.
D. ...head West to Deadland Forest.
Status: Highly Responsive to Pancakes will soon be Highly Released to Public.
Python's Danmakufu Chamber - Energy Balls and Lasers of all Shapes and Colors.

Python's Danmakufu Chamber - Energy Balls and Lasers of all Shapes and Colors.