This is a sample post. It shows what your posts will look like on the board.
Posted by blargPosted by the GoombossWelcome to my kingdom, my minions!
Blarg, blarg and blarg. Have you blarged the blarg?
function blarg($lol)
global $forumname;
$rofl = htmlspecialchars($lol).' posted in '.htmlspecialchars($forumname);
return $rofl;
global $forumname;
$rofl = htmlspecialchars($lol).' posted in '.htmlspecialchars($forumname);
return $rofl;
Status: Highly Responsive to Pancakes will soon be Highly Released to Public.
Python's Danmakufu Chamber - Energy Balls and Lasers of all Shapes and Colors.

Python's Danmakufu Chamber - Energy Balls and Lasers of all Shapes and Colors.