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Main » General chat » World Top News: OH MY F- GOD!
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Posted on 07-23-11, 05:06 pm (revision 1)
Shyguy Shyguy

Posts: 16/82
Since: 07-22-11

Last post: 4681 days
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I knew my self that yesterday, a bomb blew up in my capital city, Oslo, in Norway(My country BTW). And about the massacre.

But today when I saw on TV again, IT'S THE TOP NEWS OF THE WHOLE F- WORLD, HOLY SMOKES!

This incident kinda takes the " Norway is a real peaceful country, a uTopia " into " Man, that country looks like a warzone, people is crazy there. "

All because of one man, ONE SINGLE MAN:

Name: "Anders Behring Breivik"
Age: 35

Here he is, surrounded by corpses of teens that he'd shut (the massacre):

Check the news:

Comment about what you guy's/Girl's/Ummm.... boot; thinks.

Posted on 07-23-11, 05:34 pm

Posts: 63/138
Since: 05-05-11

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And the reason of that is... religion, again. I'm so sick of that drama. Why can't religion just die in a fire already so that the world will finally be at peace.

Also, why is the second picture so pixelated?
Posted on 07-23-11, 05:37 pm (revision 1)
Shyguy Shyguy

Posts: 17/82
Since: 07-22-11

Last post: 4681 days
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its Censored because of the corpses.

Edit: BTW, I don't belong to any " Religion ". But I do believe in viking mythology, by the two gods Odin and his son Tor/Thor.
Posted on 07-23-11, 05:41 pm

Posts: 65/138
Since: 05-05-11

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Blarg. Stupid censoring. Dramatic news aren't for kids, also, censoring what's supposed to be the corpses with so much pixelating, pretty much removes any credibility from the picture.

Also, I think there's no problem with believing into whatever gods. I just hate it when people kill eachother because they disagree over religion bullshit. "god isn't named Allah blah blah" how the fuck do they know about that? How the fuck do people know anything about God(s)? They're never showing themselves and trying to talk to us! I'm not going to say that they don't exist, though. We can't prove that they exist, but actually we can't prove that they don't exist either...
Posted on 07-23-11, 07:05 pm
Shyguy Shyguy

Posts: 21/82
Since: 07-22-11

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Posted by Mega-Mario
Blarg. Stupid censoring. Dramatic news aren't for kids, also, censoring what's supposed to be the corpses with so much pixelating, pretty much removes any credibility from the picture.

Also, I think there's no problem with believing into whatever gods. I just hate it when people kill eachother because they disagree over religion bullshit. "god isn't named Allah blah blah" how the fuck do they know about that? How the fuck do people know anything about God(s)? They're never showing themselves and trying to talk to us! I'm not going to say that they don't exist, though. We can't prove that they exist, but actually we can't prove that they don't exist either...

Yeah well. We have something called "Sentences" that can explain these people:

Man, Thats enough writing....
Posted on 07-23-11, 08:36 pm

Posts: 68/138
Since: 05-05-11

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Uh yeah. Christian religion is total bullshit. (Jceggbert5's gonna hate me for posting that but whatever, this is an internet forum, people are free to give their opinions and whatnot)

* God is supposed to be infinitely good. If he really is, why the fuck does he let war, crimes and all that shit happen?
* If you don't have some priest draw a cross with oil on your forehead and say Latin stuff, you go to hell when you die. Again, God is supposed to be infinitely good! just wtf.

I'm also glad I don't go to church. That son/dad bullshit would piss me off.

As for those kamikazes and other idiots "killing for God". That's totally retarded. The fucking Ten Commandments say that (and I quote) you shall not murder!

But sadly, as long as religion and stupidity exist together, religion wars and such will always be happening. And stupidity can't disappear, so uh...
Posted on 07-23-11, 08:51 pm
Shyguy Shyguy

Posts: 23/82
Since: 07-22-11

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Where is this topic leading to--- xD.-

But I agree with you 150%
Posted on 07-24-11, 10:06 pm

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Since: 05-06-11

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Posted by Mega-Mario

As for those kamikazes and other idiots "killing for God". That's totally retarded. The Ten Commandments say that (and I quote) you shall not murder!

There is a difference between murder and war. Most war between Christians vs. non-Christians is covered by the following:

• Christians were attacked and were defending themselves
• A group of Christians goes to protect/defend another group of people that are being attacked...

In either of these situations, 'reasonable' death is acceptable, because it is saving life(ves) in the process, as well as ridding of evil. There are other specific instances that are ok. There are also others that are not. There are even sometimes groups that say they are Christians but are not, and they start this thing.
Posted on 07-24-11, 10:19 pm

Posts: 72/138
Since: 05-05-11

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What about Cruisades? (okay that's old)

Also, the Ten Commandments say 'you shall not murder'. Not murdering is okay, murdering is bad. Simple.
Now, if you start saying that there is a limit, it becomes: murdering in certain contexts is okay, while in others it's bad.
The limit can then be toyed with to allow any reason for murdering. Such as stoning homosexual men to death.
So basically, adding exceptions to a rule ends up making it useless... the Ten Commandments may not exist at all and the world would still be the same.
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Main » General chat » World Top News: OH MY F- GOD!