JPC File
1. General Statement
JPC files are basically an archive of many JPA files (which are Effect Files, hence why this file is found in ParticleData in SMG1/2). The *normal information (IE minus the TEX1 section with the textures) is stored at the start of the file, which is indexed by ParticleNames.bcsv, and then there's a special section, TDB1, which links to the index of the TEX1 section (allowing them to be reused).
Offset | Number of bytes | Description
| 0x00 | 8 | Magic (JPAC2-10)
| 0x08 | 2 | Number of Normal Entries*
| 0x0A | 2 | Number of TEX1 Entries
| 0x0C | 4 | Offset to TEX1 Entries
3. Normal Entry Information
Each normal entry starts with 8 bytes that define certain things, one of which being the entry number, which is the first 2 bytes. The 3rd and 4th bytes are the number of entries that follows. The rest is unknown. Then comes the normal data for a JPA file.
Then there's a special section called TDB1 that defines what TEX1 Entry it's linked to.
Offset | Number of bytes | Description
| 0x00 | 4 | Magic (TDB1 - Table Database?)
| 0x04 | 4 | Length of Section (Always 0x0C)
| 0x08 | 4 | TEX1 Information - the first 2 bytes are the index of the TEX1 section (which starts at 0)
Each TEX1 Section is very simple. It has a magic, the length of the section, a string for the filename, and then a BTI file starting at 0x20 and going until the end of the section.
Offset | Number of bytes | Description
| 0x00 | 4 | Magic (TEX1)
| 0x04 | 4 | Length of Section
| 0x08 | 4 | Padding, followed by a string of unknown length (read until a null byte is reached)
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