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BVA file

1. File header
2. VAF1 section
    2.1. Section header
    2.2. Subsection 1
    2.3. Subsection 2

BVA files are used in SMG games to make simplistic animations by hiding given batches of the model they're attached to. Examples of that are Thwomp's face, or SMG2 comet medals. The model contains all the possible aspects of the object, and BVA files are used to show only one aspect at a time.

1. File header

Standard file header. It is 32 bytes long.

Offset SizeDescription
0x00 8 J3D1bva1
0x08 4 Size of the file
0x0C 4 Number of sections (1)
0x10 16 Padding

2. VAF1 section

2.1. Section header

It is 32 bytes long.

Offset SizeDescription
0x00 4 VAF1
0x04 4 Size of the section
0x08 2 0x00FF (???)
0x0A 2 Number of animation frames? Speed?
0x0C 2 Number of entries in subsection 1, matches number of geometry batches in model
0x0E 2 Number of entries in subsection 2
0x10 4 Offset (relative to section start) to subsection 1
0x14 4 Offset to subsection 2
0x18 8 Padding

2.2. Subsection 1

4 bytes per entry. First 2 bytes = size, last 2 bytes = start offset into subsection 2

2.3. Subsection 2

1 byte per entry. 0x01 = show batch, 0x00 = hide batch.

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