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1. The header
2. The fields
    2.1. Name hashes
    2.2. Field types
3. The entries
4. The strings section

BCSV is a data format that is used a lot in SMG games. It is used to store all the level data, collision data, and lots of other things.

BCSV files can be seen like database tables. They define a number of fields, and then entries (rows) that contain values for the fields defined.

Given their important usage in SMG games, modifying BCSV files is a key part in SMG hacking.

Something to note is that data is not necessarily in sequential order. In certain PA files (collision flag data, which also uses the BCSV format), data is reused a multitude of times, so when parsing it's best to use the offsets from the fields instead of incrementing every time you read a field.

1. The header

BCSV files start with a header which is laid out as such:
Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Number of entries
0x04 4 Number of fields
0x08 4 Offset to the data section
0x0C 4 Size of each entry

2. The fields

They are located right after the header. Each field is laid out as such:
Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Name hash
0x04 4 Bitmask
0x08 2 Offset to this field's data within an entry
0x0A 1 Shift amount
0x0B 1 Field type

2.1. Name hashes

The names of the fields are hashed for faster lookups.

Here is C# code to calculate the hash of a given field name:
public static uint FieldNameToHash(string field)
uint ret = 0;
foreach (char ch in field)
ret *= 0x1F;
ret += ch;
return ret;

A list of known field name hashes can be found here.

2.2. Field types

Valid field types are the following:
• 0 and 3: 32-bit integer, ANDed with the bitmask and shifted right by the shift amount
• 4: 16-bit integer, ANDed with the bitmask's lower 16 bits and shifted right by the shift amount
• 5: 8-bit integer, ANDed with the bitmask's lower 8 bits and shifted right by the shift amount
• 6: 32-bit offset to a string within the strings section
• 2: 32-bit (single precision) floating point number (according to Treeki, floats aren't specific to type 2 -- to be checked)

3. The entries

They are located right after the fields.

The section is a blob of data. Each entry must be parsed accordingly to the fields defined.

4. The strings section

It is located right after the entries.

Each string is a NULL-terminated Shift-JIS string.

This section should be padded with 0x40 bytes until the file's size is aligned to a 32-bytes boundary.

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