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Posted on 03-01-18 11:52 PM Link | #93443
How do i add transparent water that can be used swim in? like if i had a pond in a level for say and i wanted a waterfall how would i go about doing this?

Posted on 03-02-18 06:46 PM Link | #93451
1. Make your texture image transparent

2. In the CLPS editor, set the 'Water' value of your water material to 1

3. For the waterfall, you probably want to use texture animations. You can use the animation editor for that. Here's Gota7's tutorial if you need.

(post deleted) #93460

Posted on 03-04-18 01:12 AM Link | #93462
Every time i try to load into a custom level i made to replace Cool Cool mountain the music will play however the screen remains white any solutions?

Posted on 03-04-18 01:21 AM Link | #93463
Import bobomb battle field xml.

check out my CLPS Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11tHJ77km4EPITucU9RMdhW5ImPEvCyxPxUAbxqzm6Ks/edit

Posted on 03-04-18 01:32 AM (rev. 4 of 03-04-18 02:30 AM) Link | #93464
also the collisoins dont work correctly, water is just solid and half the parts on the map you can walk right through

one more thing, how do i use CLPS and actually have it work?

nothing seems to work with anything :/

none of the collisions work at all it just seems like nothing will work on any level that i put on for some reason

Posted on 03-04-18 04:13 PM (rev. 2 of 03-04-18 08:52 PM) Link | #93469
I apparently forgot about some of the steps. Here are the sub-steps for the step 2 in my last post:

1. When importing your model, make sure to scale the collision map with the same number you scale the model.

2. In the Collision Map tab, give each material a collision type number, write them down and click assign.

3. After importing the model and collision map, open the CLPS editor and delete all existing collisions.

4. Create a new row for each collision type. The numbers in the leftmost column correspond to the numbers you assigned for the materials in the importer.

5. Give each of your collision type the parameters you like. See this. The 'Texture' column isn't named very well since it basically tells what sounds the material will make when player walks on it. The sounds can be different in different levels. (Are these like, documented somewhere?) For the water, it's safe to leave everything to default except the 'Water' boolean to 1, of course.
Posted by Shugabush
Import bobomb battle field xml.

At least for me, this is not necessary and deleting texture animations is enough. (edit: And of course the music bytes need to be changed in order to change the music but no need to import the whole xml)

If you still don't get it working, could you post a patch of your rom here?

Posted on 03-04-18 06:44 PM (rev. 2 of 03-04-18 06:46 PM) Link | #93474
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gLg47vO5HkPk6kdTaXydOab-SXoqBv2O/view?usp=sharing this is the rom I have my level on, its in Cool cool mountain. i tried everything and they all result in every texture behaving like snow or wood nothing is what i set any of them to. i wanted the water and lava to act like lava when touched but its just solid snow

What do you need the rom for? are you going to try and decipher why it won't work when i set the CLPS?

(post deleted) #93476

Posted on 03-04-18 08:25 PM Link | #93477
idk what you did wrong but i re-imported the (internal) level model and edited the CLPS and it works now: https://kuribo64.net/get.php?id=WUCMalczfpTap343

Here are the collision types of each material:

0 _Material4_maguma_png
1 _Material2_ice_jpg
2 Default_Material
3 _Material6_isi_a_png
4 _Material8_ki_png
5 _Material7_isi_d_png
6 _Material1_water_png
7 _Material3_wood_png

The water behaves now literally like lava as you wanted. I set the traction of ice to slippery and it may be too slippery in some places, if that's the case then try changing it's traction to slippery slope instead.

I also moved the default view to a nicer place :)

By the way, i like your level. It has good circumstances for doing those fun long jumps from cliff to cliff. I would recommend some shading with vertex colours tho.

Posted on 03-04-18 08:38 PM (rev. 2 of 03-04-18 08:40 PM) Link | #93480
thanks! I feel kinda bad because i just realized when i set the collison types when importing i never pressed "Assign". But i cant thank you enough for taking time out of your day to do this :)

Btw if you want you can keep the level to use :)

Posted on 03-04-18 08:57 PM Link | #93482
I don't think i want to use the same model in my hack but i'll take some inspiration at least ;)

Posted on 03-04-18 11:47 PM Link | #93488

(post deleted) #93508

(post deleted) #93510

Posted on 03-10-18 08:08 PM Link | #93611
For the "Door" warp object, the Door types 01 and 08 are both listed as "Standard Door"
There is a subtle difference, however: 08 is an unused (I think?) variant that does not have a handle on one side. It acts the same, however. I tried to add this to the object DB... my question is, where can I add this?



Posted on 03-18-18 10:39 PM Link | #93735
how do i get the silver stars to work?

Posted on 03-19-18 08:06 PM Link | #93747
Posted by ACommonToad
how do i get the silver stars to work?

Say you wanted star 3.

Create a star object with parameter 63. The 6 tells the game it's for silver stars, and the 3 tells the game which star it's for. This is where the star spawns when all five are collected.

Each Silver Star object should have parameter 3 as well, for the same reason. Block Fort has parameter F but uses star 1, though (It's the only course to do this), so I'm not sure.

Chain Chomp is... more complicated, BBB has theirs set to parameter F03. Though, the object DB says the 03 is path ID.

Silver Star Goombas use FF1F regardless of which star the silver stars will spawn.

For the bricks to work, they should have parameter 2 being 3E93 (not sure why), with the Block Silver Star Tag at the exact same position. The parameters are all over the Place; 1F and 7F in Battle Fort, and 7 in Wet-Dry world.



(post deleted) #93771

Posted on 04-02-18 07:42 AM Link | #93919
Hi, does anyone know how to prevent objects/enemies from respawning once defeated/broken (eg, bob-ombs, pirahna flowers, wooden crates)?

The object parameters don't seem to deal with this, so I'm guessing an ASM patch is required. Does anyone know the memory address of the respawner function? (Fingers crossed there is a general respawner function which can be disabled, rather than having to find and disable individual member functions for different objects).


- ASM resource for customising behaviour of player/objects/levels
- NSMBe with direct overwrite feature
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