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Posted on 01-18-13 11:35 PM (rev. 6 of 06-19-14 01:57 PM) Link | #6836
No, layout templates provided by the ABXD layout maker are NOT cool layouts. Most of them are unoriginal and badly designed. This is why there's no layout maker here, you guessed.

First of all, if you haven't already, you should read the post layout rules posted in the FAQ. They provide the essentials you'll need in order to try making a post layout without pissing off the staff.

Now, I will explain how post layouts work a bit more in detail. However, this takes a bit of skill. If you don't already have some basic CSS knowledge, go follow some tutorial and then come back ;)

How to customize your post box

If you wish to customize your whole post box, and not just the part that holds the post, you can do it with some CSS tricks. Your post box is split in 5 parts, like this:
post layout split
(where X is your user ID)

.tableX is the table element that contains the post box, and the 4 other classes are the individual table cells.

So for example, if you're user ID 21, and wish to make your sidebar text red, you would use the following CSS:
color: red;
This is pretty basic, but with a bit more work, you can do pretty cool things.

Oh and don't forget to enable 'Apply layout to whole post box' in your post layout options :)

Post layouts and newlines

Most Acmlmboards conserve all newlines in header/footer. This is what one would expect from a messageboard, but it is quite annoying when making a post layout, because you have to compress your layout code into an unreadable blob to not get unwanted newlines.

ABXD tries to find a compromise between the two parties: newlines in headers/footers are conserved unless they come right after an opening or closing tag of certain elements (div, p, style, link, table and everything that goes in it).

This makes making a post layout a lot easier, without getting in the way of non-Acmlmboard users. It also makes writing HTML easier as the output looks more like one would expect from an Acmlmboard.

See this post for more details.

Post layout FAQ

I applied CSS to my post box but it doesn't work

Make sure you added !important at the end of each CSS rule you specified, like shown before.

My header/footer has lots of empty space

Make sure to remove any unwanted newline in your post header and footer (outside of <style> tags).

Where do I store my layout's files?

Images and CSS can be stored on our uploader. If you have a web/file/image host, you can also host your files there, but you'd better ensure that your host is reliable. If it turns out to be down too often, your layout will be removed.

But unless your layout is dynamic, we really recommend that you store the files on the uploader. It'll give better loading times.

I made a layout with another board's layout maker. How do I import it here?

I'll not provide help with that. Most layouts made with layout makers are unoriginal and badly designed. If you're competent enough to make a good layout with that layout maker, you don't need to ask this question anyway.

I don't like User X's layout. What should I do?

Go to their profile and click 'Block layout'. That user's posts will look like he has no layout to you.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 01-18-13 11:51 PM Link | #6841
Heheh, I knew you would make a thread about this after our discussion on the IRC. Nice FAQ

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 01-18-13 11:51 PM Link | #6842
Thanks, helped with my topbars.
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Posted on 01-18-13 11:53 PM Link | #6843
Wow, nice tutorial :D


Posted on 01-19-13 12:04 AM Link | #6844
I'm no expert in code, but this looks awesome!

Also, new Edge of the Universe music uploaded in way better quality. Only Agent000 has heard it


Posted on 01-19-13 01:40 AM Link | #6927
Oh thanks. Ill try this.

Demon Summoner
Posted on 01-19-13 01:49 AM (rev. 2 of 01-19-13 01:50 AM) Link | #6935
I tried it, but I can't get the sidebar to work. Got the background to work, though.

EDIT: Apparently only partially, though...

Just because you're paranoid doesn't
mean there isn't an INVISIBLE DEMON
about to eat your face.

Posted on 01-19-13 02:04 AM Link | #6939
some things need !important after the value but before the semicolon, because otherwise it won't override the existing setting. I learned that from experimentation

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Demon Summoner
Posted on 01-19-13 03:40 AM (rev. 3 of 01-19-13 03:44 AM) Link | #6994
Guys, I really think I'm doing this wrong, but it's the only way I know how.

Here's my code:

<div style="background: #000000 url(http://i.imgur.com/wLaLDF6.png) repeat fixed!important; border:1px solid!important; border-color: #F7FF03!important; text-align:left";>


Just because you're paranoid doesn't
mean there isn't an INVISIBLE DEMON
about to eat your face.

Posted on 01-19-13 04:10 AM Link | #7006
You should use pure css in
<style type="text/css"></style>

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Demon Summoner
Posted on 01-19-13 02:07 PM Link | #7178
Posted by NWPlayer123
You should use pure css in
<style type="text/css"></style>

Alright, got that. I really need to edit the colors though... Red is kinda... startling.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't
mean there isn't an INVISIBLE DEMON
about to eat your face.

(post deleted) #7179

Posted on 01-19-13 04:21 PM Link | #7321
I dont get this. Damn.

Posted on 01-19-13 08:51 PM (rev. 2 of 01-19-13 08:54 PM) Link | #7492
The post parser has been updated as to not add extra newlines in layouts and such, and generally try to handle newlines like one would expect.

This means that in most cases you won't need to make your layout code a huge blob anymore for it to work without adding unwanted spaces below and above your posts.

For example, the following code:
<div style="border:1px solid blue;">
Hello. I'm a div.
will produce the following output:

Hello. I'm a div.

As opposed to what it'd have looked like before:

Hello. I'm a div.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 02-02-13 02:36 AM Link | #12516
Are post layouts the post themes?

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 02-02-13 02:46 AM Link | #12517
... what?

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 02-02-13 02:47 AM Link | #12518
He's asking if the post layouts we have are....


well..I don't get his question now.

But Imma go with the Answer "yes" :P


Posted on 02-02-13 03:12 AM Link | #12519
You know how MM's posts have a teal Light Block at the right? I was asking if MM's post theme is also called a post layout. But I guess post layouts are the same as post themes.

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 02-02-13 03:27 AM Link | #12522
Yes. Board themes are different. But post layouts is what differences me from other people for instance. Board themes are themes viewed only by the person, and do not modify posts, only modify the forum but the posts.

Posted on 02-04-13 05:31 PM Link | #13420
My layout is the only layout that is good that came from a layout maker. Mega Mario even told me I was the only one who could use the layout maker greatly.
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