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Main - Misc. ROM hacking - LMScript - A Luigi's Mansion Script/Text Editor Hide post layouts | New reply

Posted on 12-11-14 04:44 AM Link | #52579
Well, this thing is finally finished and ready for release. A thread was already posted about it on LBM and Ill be linking to that thread a little later in this post because thats where updates will be posted as well as where the download link for LMscript and the other required tool will be. Now you may be asking, Other required tool? What might that be? Well it just so happens to be the yay0 compressor I used to make the boss rush hack as well as other things. But before I link anything or tell any stories here are some screenshots of LMScript.
[image] [image]

BACKSTORY: Now its on to a bit of explanation about the yay0 compressor. The fact is, its been public for YEARS, it was just buried under random forums and obscure websites. It was made by someone named org, and was made for dolphin bootrom compression as it is yay0 compressed just as LM is, org even mentions in the description of it on the google code page it was on that it was made for that. Around august of this year I got my hands on this through a friend of mine, flash forward to October and someone from LBM (waschpenner) finds the source somehow, compiles it, and uploads it to romhacking.net. So i decided what the heck, now that this thing is public I might as well make some LM tools. Oddly enough, the yay0 tools have gone unnoticed since early November, which is a bit odd. Thats all for back story, now on to some more important things.

BUGS: If you head over to the post on LBM you can read a more in depth version of this spiel, but to summarize it, if you find any bugs in LMScript, you can PM me here or on LBM or post details about it in the LBM thread.

UPDATES: The current version of LMScript supports a little over 30 of LMs scripting commands as of v1.0 as there are some commands that are still being looked into and researched (PM me if you want to help test some commands, im thinking of letting some others help me with this as it can take a long time).

DOWNLOADS: You can get the downloads over at the post on lbm which can be found here

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-11-14 11:23 AM Link | #52581
Sounds interesting. Are you going to release the source code?

Posted on 12-11-14 11:23 AM Link | #52582
Posted by Hiccup
Sounds interesting. Are you going to release the source code?
No, why do you ask. the source isnt really that interesting anyway.

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-11-14 11:27 AM Link | #52583
Can you not just edit the files in notepad++?

Posted on 12-11-14 11:33 AM (rev. 3 of 12-11-14 11:48 AM) Link | #52584
Posted by Hiccup
Can you not just edit the files in notepad++?
Yes, you can. The point of this editor though is to make LM scripting easier by including all of the commands that can be added as buttons so that noobs who dont know what they are doing can edit the scripts, as well as just expediting the process for people like me, who already know most of the commands (over 100 of which are currently being documented). This isn't supposed to be the ONLY way to do it, its just meant to make it easier and more accessible.

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-11-14 12:28 PM Link | #52585
I suppose the source code would not reveal anything then. Good job with this!

Posted on 12-11-14 06:35 PM Link | #52594
Spacey I didn't knew you could code.

Posted on 12-11-14 06:57 PM Link | #52595
Posted by Rainbow Mario
Spacey I didn't knew you could code.
Yep :P I can code in some languages (Python, C, and some C++) but I made this with visual basic because I knew it wouldn't take to much code to make what I wanted to make and this was my first experience with OO programming so it was a little weird at first but I got the hang of it. The time consuming part about this editor is documenting all the LM scripting commands. There are a lot of them.

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-12-14 04:13 PM Link | #52624
I don't see why you wouldn't share the source. Everyone benefits from open source. I mean, I understand that you're basically just adding text to text boxes, but if the program were to become more complex it really wouldn't hurt sharing your sources.


Posted on 12-12-14 05:42 PM Link | #52633
Posted by Anthe
I don't see why you wouldn't share the source. Everyone benefits from open source. I mean, I understand that you're basically just adding text to text boxes, but if the program were to become more complex it really wouldn't hurt sharing your sources.

You obviously have no idea who you're talking to. Nobody at LBM likes to share source code. It's all locked down so nobody can "steal" it. Just use it and be happy. Maybe some day I'll make a python script that does the same thing.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 12-12-14 05:51 PM (rev. 2 of 12-12-14 05:52 PM) Link | #52634
Has nobody on LBM every read what 'open source' means? They look like complete idiots throwing the word 'stealing' around. Don't they understand the concept?

Posted on 12-12-14 06:03 PM Link | #52635
Seriously, its not that I dont want people to "Steal" my code its that this is really nothing interesting (its literally just buttons that add text at this point) and if it ever gets more complicated than how it is now I will share the source. and did you happen to read this line in the first post "PM me if you want to help test some commands, im thinking of letting some others help me with this as it can take a long time", while its not open source its not like I wont let anyone help at all. and this line here NWP "Maybe some day I'll make a python script that does the same thing." why would you need to? Its not like this program is being held away from you in any way (the link is going back up on LBM later but for now you can grab it here www.dropbox.com/s/261boscu2gktev2/LMScript.exe?dl=0). Hell I even gave the yay0 compressor that was used, its not like im withholding anything important, im just not making this open source (just yet anyway).

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-12-14 06:11 PM Link | #52636
I agree that there is nothing much to get out of source code, as the program is quite simple.

Posted on 12-12-14 06:19 PM Link | #52637
Posted by Hiccup
I agree that there is nothing much to get out of source code, as the program is quite simple.

Yeah, not to say that this program doesnt have anything interesting though as some unused commands are in lm's scripts (as in, they are in part of the script that isnt run). Finding out what the do will be interesting though.

Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Posted on 12-12-14 06:20 PM Link | #52638
Is it just buttons that add text? I thought it was a text editor for Luigi's Mansion.

And what are script are you talking about that you're going to do NWPlayer123?

Posted on 12-12-14 06:22 PM Link | #52639
Apparently, the text files are somewhat raw text. The program has an index of available commands and formatting options which you can add easily, if I understand correctly.


Posted on 12-12-14 06:23 PM (rev. 2 of 12-12-14 06:24 PM) Link | #52640
Posted by Rainbow Mario
Is it just buttons that add text? I thought it was a text editor for Luigi's Mansion.

And what are script are you talking about that you're going to do NWPlayer123?
yes, its a text editor and you can edit text with it, the buttons are just there for the script editing portion of it.
Posted by Anthe
Apparently, the text files are somewhat raw text. The program has an index of available commands and formatting options which you can add easily, if I understand correctly.


Hacking LM and trying to not suck. Weeeeeeee.

Story Master
Posted on 03-12-24 09:56 PM Link | #101373
hello,where is find the editor ?

Main - Misc. ROM hacking - LMScript - A Luigi's Mansion Script/Text Editor Hide post layouts | New reply

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