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Posted on 06-11-13 09:53 PM Link | #24756
Wait, so I can run Revolution with the HBC :O
I have it already installed =D
I rebuyed SSBB so I also could install the HBC and stuff, since I transfered my old wii to my wii u (I should have made a nand backup first though T_T )
Thanks :3

Posted on 07-16-13 11:53 AM (rev. 2 of 07-16-13 11:54 AM) Link | #28143
If you're using PlanetMapDataTable, the first "field" named PlanetName is the name of your planet, minus any extension.

I don't get this bit. What am I supposed to change? The top box, PlanetName to the name of my object. The data type, The data, or the data shifted? It seems a bit confusing to me.
Also, whenever I change PlanetName it reverts back when I chose another feild.

Posted on 07-16-13 02:47 PM Link | #28171
Just use ProductMapObjDataTable for now. It's easy and user-friendly ;)


Posted on 09-14-13 12:29 PM Link | #32469
there doesn't exist a python.exe, its really blurry

Posted on 09-14-13 12:39 PM Link | #32471
In C:/python32/ or C:/python33/? o,o
Then you either didn't install it right or you're not using windows.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 09-16-13 04:08 AM Link | #32570
Sorry to bump, but I used some lowflags and it crashed the game, I dunno what I did wrong but I did everything that you said. :\

Posted on 09-16-13 07:44 PM Link | #32577
Why do you need it? :P
(Then again...the fuck?)

erm, we can't debug that, since the debug screen crashes with model problems.


Posted on 09-16-13 07:46 PM Link | #32580
Posted by Mega-Mario
A note about LowFlag, MiddleFlag & co.: the game actually ignores these flags. The corresponding models will be used if and only if they're present on the disc.

You just need a model. If it doesn't find a model, it won't do anything.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 09-16-13 07:47 PM Link | #32581
well uhh
IIRC there's a field on the bcsv that allows you to connect the model...
(Or does it look for the suffix "Low" at the end?)


Posted on 09-16-13 07:49 PM (rev. 2 of 09-16-13 07:49 PM) Link | #32582
It does but that quote LITERALLY says it ignores it. Mega is the one who tests everything just in case, UNLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE *cough*
Yesh, it looks for ____PlanetLow.arc, if that's what you're asking

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 09-16-13 07:50 PM Link | #32583
Well it's only used in SMG1's models, it's never even used for SMG2. Does it ignore it for SMG1, though? Was SMG1 even tested?


Posted on 09-16-13 11:54 PM Link | #32596
Well that's true too, I don't even know if it exists in SMG2, but then I would wonder how some of the galaxies render planets from far away.

Posted on 09-18-13 02:49 AM (rev. 2 of 09-18-13 02:49 AM) Link | #32650
Well, I'm having a frustrating issue.

I decided to give this a quick whirl, by adding planet objects to ProductMapObjDataTable, with SimpleMapObj & such. The thing is, the object doesn't appear in game.

I'm testing over Flip Swap. The level loads, but the object does not. If I attempt to add the object to another level, it freezes.

Posted on 09-18-13 02:53 AM Link | #32652
Well I would be willing to guess that it's too small. Can you see it in whitehole if you add the arc to the objectdata in the folder it reads and renaming an object in a level to the arc name to make it load the model? I would try scaling it by like 100 or 1000 if you can't.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 09-18-13 02:57 AM (rev. 2 of 09-18-13 02:59 AM) Link | #32653
It's at it's original scale (It's an object from Super Mario Sunshine), I can see it in the viewer just fine but it's absent from the game.

The odd thing would be that it doesn't appear if I add the BCSV entry myself. Taking the PMObjDT from the SMG2.5 demo, and renaming my object to a entry from there works fine. But if I add my own entry, even down to settings directly coped from the SMG2.5 demo, it does not appear in game.

Is there a big difference between MN1's BCSV editor and Mega-Mario's?

Edit: The object only appears in game if I replace it with a pre-existing planet.

Posted on 09-18-13 03:05 AM (rev. 2 of 09-18-13 03:07 AM) Link | #32654
Hmm, that's really weird. Yeah, for one, MN1's BCSV editor v0.7 is messed up because of shift jis, but 0.6 should work fine. I don't think Whitehole's editor would make any difference, but I always used MN1's editor, so I would try that. It has to be your BCSV, because it obviously is not importing right since it appears fine if you replace an object.
EDIT: Here's the download for v0.6 if you need it https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzlqxbhjkpx25q5/BCSVEditor.zip

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

(post deleted) #34968

Posted on 04-18-14 09:31 PM Link | #40403
I updated the first post with an entirely new rewrite. Hopefully it's less vague and easier to follow this time around.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 04-27-14 11:53 PM Link | #40685
Boo Mario goes through CollisionAreas, doesn't he?

Current hack: Excerpt from Super Mario 256

Any map on a flat torus can be colored with at most 7 colors.

Posted on 04-28-14 12:35 AM Link | #40687
If you specify it in the wall code, yes.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month
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