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02-09-25 02:22 AM

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Posted on 08-11-13 08:12 AM Link | #29960
Hello, I'm Streetie.
I'm actually on the board already for about 80 days, but I did not introduce myself here.
I do not post a lot of ideas since a lot of ideas I have are already thought up by someone else, but I'll help as much as I can!

Posted on 08-11-13 09:01 AM Link | #29963
Welcome Streetie!

Posted on 08-11-13 11:51 PM Link | #29988
Welcome to Kuribo64!


(post deleted) #31537

Posted on 09-04-13 05:11 AM Link | #31832
Well, I guess we didn't welcome you here yet, lol welcome GrapeEscape!

Posted on 09-04-13 07:34 PM Link | #31849

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 09-05-13 04:46 PM (rev. 2 of 03-09-14 06:06 PM) Link | #31929
Hi, I'm Izmirnator from Fusion Fangaming and NSMBHD. You can also call me Izir, Izmir or IzirFeather. I am the Creator of New Super Mario Bros. Tanooki Adventure which will be an Remake of SMB3. I am 14 years old and i am a Kosovo-Albanian who lives in Switzerland. I can speak German, Swiss German, English, Albanian and a little bit French. It's nice to meet you.

Posted on 09-05-13 04:47 PM Link | #31930
Umm...I thought you were suppose to introduce yourself, not your hacks, but OK, fine.

Welcome to Kuribogakure, Izmirnator ^.^


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 09-05-13 04:52 PM Link | #31931
Hey guys I'm RDV whassup yooooo just makin' an introduction.

...Not much to say, but as I bet many of you do, I luv me mah video games :3 I decided to hang around here because I luv to make fwends! :)
I'm also a very small and lazy ''Let's Player''. My username is Player9191DV if you're intrested.

So, hi all! :)

Posted on 09-05-13 04:53 PM Link | #31932
Posted by RDV
Hey guys I'm RDV whassup yooooo just makin' an introduction.

...Not much to say, but as I bet many of you do, I luv me mah video games :3 I decided to hang around here because I luv to make fwends! :)
I'm also a very small and lazy ''Let's Player''. My username is Player9191DV if you're intrested.

So, hi all! :)

Welcome, RDV. I hope you'll liven up the IRC channel. It gets quite boring in there at times :)

-Are you planning on helping with SMG2.5?


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 09-06-13 04:07 PM Link | #31984
Hi I'm RosaLink. I may not be able to contribute anything apart from ideas and the occasional easy model to smg 2.5, so yeah.

Guess who's back


Posted on 09-07-13 08:15 AM Link | #32021
hello I'm jjesss064 and I want to help with the texturing cause I saw you where peril on that^^
I don't know exactly what to so...

Posted on 09-07-13 08:55 AM Link | #32023
Welcome to the forums, Rosalink13 and Jesse !


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 09-13-13 09:48 PM Link | #32440
lol I probably shouldn't have registered on a Friday the 13th

Hi. I'm planetaryplayer. I probably won't be able to contribute much other than ideas, but I'll try to help.
I don't really know what else to put here, but if you want to know any more, just ask :)

Can you burn a Luigi board?

Posted on 09-13-13 09:53 PM Link | #32441
Welcome planetaryplayer! :D

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 09-14-13 02:48 AM Link | #32449
Posted by planetaryplayer
lol I probably shouldn't have registered on a Friday the 13th

Hi. I'm planetaryplayer. I probably won't be able to contribute much other than ideas, but I'll try to help.
I don't really know what else to put here, but if you want to know any more, just ask :)

Welcome to Kuribo64, skyl!


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 09-16-13 07:46 PM Link | #32579
Welcome to the board! ;)


Posted on 10-21-13 02:45 AM Link | #34092
Howdy everyone, the name's KCEXE, but call me KC for short! I am a nice fellow fangamer, romhacker (mainly Sonic and Mario), and artist. I've been experimenting with several Wii games (Brawl, SMG2, etc.) doing music hacking (BRSTM and AST), sound, and texture related work. So don't worry, I have some good experience. Anyways, I am glad to be here, and happy to meet new people. :)

(post deleted) #34093

Posted on 10-21-13 11:18 AM Link | #34102
Welcome KC!
Any modelling, texturing, and general hacking knowledge would definitely help us out a lot, since we don't have many people able to do the actual work. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them :(

Burrow Base design- Text complete. I might try my hand at some art...maybe...eventually...?
Bullet Base design-
Final Frontier- (collab)

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, it's usually an oncoming express train.

Slow and steady gets you trampled by the other guys.
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