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Main - Glass trash - Kuribo64 Mosts 2013 Hide post layouts | Thread closed

Posted on 06-27-13 02:16 PM (rev. 3 of 06-27-13 05:56 PM) Link | #26533
This is pretty much an Acmlmboard tradition, so I figured, why not bring it here too.


The Mosts are something we do mostly for fun. Do not take the votes too seriously. That doesn't mean you must submit silly crap, either. Just don't go and jump off a cliff because you don't like the Mosts' results.
As usual, anybody who causes shit will be banned.


* For each of the listed categories, you basically vote for users who would fit the category the best.
* You may vote for a maximum of 3 users per category.
* You may vote for a given user in multiple categories.
* You may skip categories.
* You may not vote for yourself. Any such votes will be ignored.
* Give usernames when voting. It's even better if you use [user=X] tags (X being the user's ID).
* This thread is for voting to the Mosts. The occasional discussion will be tolerated but offtopic posts will be deleted.
* Voting will be closed on the 7th July 2013. Results will be posted at that date.


* Most friendly
* Most helpful
* Most creative
* Most depressing
* Most missed
* Best copycat
* Clumsiest
* Most relaxed

* Best regular user
* Best staff member
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users)

* Best username
* Best avatar
* Best post layout
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout
* Biggest displayname abuser

* Best artist
* Best programmer
* Laziest
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them

* Most likely to appear at random
* Most likely to start a posting spree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year
* Most likely to get promoted

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board

* Most likely to question life
* Most likely to overthrow the government
* Most likely to hack the board
* Best potential leader

Have fun! :)

Note: the categories referring to 'staff' refer to the board's staff, not the SMG2.5 'staff'.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 06-27-13 02:40 PM Link | #26534
* Most friendly Stygmax
* Most helpful Agent000
* Most creative MoreCowbell
* Most depressing NWPlayer123
* Most missed FnarGod
* Best copycat MK7tester
* Clumsiest Marionumber1
* Most relaxed gc

* Best regular user MarioMaster720
* Best staff member gridatttack
* Best banned user GreggGlem

* Best username Stygmax
* Best avatar Agent000
* Best post layout gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout mariogalaxythree
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist Glem3
* Best programmer blank
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them NoSkinnedKoopa

* Most likely to appear at random Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted Yoyoman

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Arisotura

* Most likely to question life Agent000
* Most likely to overthrow the government Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board GreggGlem
* Best potential leader gridatttack


Posted on 06-27-13 05:45 PM Link | #26538
* Most friendly: Mika_Galactic
(* Most helpful: don't know, I tend to rely on myself a lot)
* Most creative: Glem3, Harumyne
* Most depressing: GreggGlem
(* Most missed: bleh I don't know)
* Best copycat: GreggGlem, Gericom
(* Clumsiest: dunno either)
* Most relaxed: gc, Tahcryon

* Best regular user: Tahcryon
* Best staff member: gridatttack, Dirbaio, cosmological
* Best banned user: GreggGlem, Yoyoman

* Best username: Geometric Expulsion
* Best avatar: Cirnya, FnarGod
* Best post layout: Nadia, Delicious Snacks, gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout: NWPlayer123
* Biggest displayname abuser: mariogalaxythree

* Best artist: Glem3
* Best programmer: blank, Marionumber1, Fiachra
(* Laziest: dunno, aside from me :P )
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: Nadia, shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random: xfix, Nadia
* Most likely to start a posting spree: mariogalaxythree, Tahcryon
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: Tahcryon, mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted: Goembario, Marionumber1

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Harumyne
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: Harumyne, Dirbaio

* Most likely to question life: MoreCowbell
* Most likely to overthrow the government: Tahcryon, MoreCowbell
* Most likely to hack the board: xfix
* Best potential leader: cosmological

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 06-27-13 05:52 PM (rev. 2 of 06-27-13 05:59 PM) Link | #26539
* Most friendly Marionumber1
* Most helpful shibboleet
* Most creative MoreCowbell
* Most depressing Degolegodyl
* Most missed Astroluma
* Best copycat RicBent :3
* Clumsiest NoSkinnedKoopa
* Most relaxed gc

* Best regular user Tahcryon
* Best staff member cosmological
* Best banned user Yoyoman

* Best username SquidEmpress
* Best avatar Mika_Galactic
* Best post layout gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout Tahcryon
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist MoreCowbell
* Best programmer Marionumber1
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them NWPlayer123

* Most likely to appear at random Martboo48
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted MoreCowbell

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Arisotura

* Most likely to question life gc
* Most likely to overthrow the government Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board Arisotura
* Best potential leader Marionumber1

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

(post deleted) #26541

Posted on 06-27-13 06:07 PM (rev. 4 of 06-27-13 06:32 PM) Link | #26542

Most friendly: SquidEmpress
* Most helpful: Marionumber1
* Most creative: Glem3
* Most depressing: GreggGlem
* Most missed: Astroluma
* Best copycat: GreggGlem
* Clumsiest: Tahcryon
* Most relaxed: GintokiPianist

* Best regular user: Agent000
* Best staff member: gridatttack
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users): gjnfgn

* Best username: I pwned U!
* Best avatar: Dr. Teem
* Best post layout: I have these off :3
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout: Ich weiss nicht
* Biggest displayname abuser: mariogalaxythree

* Best artist: Astroluma, Glem3
* Best programmer: Marionumber1
* Laziest: Well I'd nominate myself, but.... gah dunno
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random: Nadia
* Most likely to start a posting spree: mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted: gridatttack (he just was :P)

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Dirbaio
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: Dirbaio

* Most likely to question life: zalayeta
* Most likely to overthrow the government: Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board: GreggGlem
* Best potential leader: Agent000

Geometric Expulsion
Posted on 06-27-13 06:11 PM Link | #26543
Might as well throw my vote into the ring :P

Most friendly: Stygmax, MarioMaster720
Most helpful: shibboleet
Most creative: Glem3, MoreCowbell, MK7tester
Most depressing: Meh... I dunno.
Most missed: FnarGod ;_;
Best copycat: Dunno
Clumsiest: SquidEmpress
Most relaxed: GintokiPianist, Tahcryon

Best regular user: NWPlayer123
Best staff member: Arisotura, cosmological, gridatttack
Best banned user: GreggGlem

Best username: FnarGod
Best avatar: gridatttack, Agent000
Best post layout: Nadia
Most likely to break the board with their post layout: Dunno
Biggest displayname abuser: mariogalaxythree

Best artist: Glem3
Best programmer: Marionumber1
Laziest: Arisotura, GintokiPianist
Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: shibboleet

Most likely to appear at random: Nadia, mariogalaxythree
Most likely to start a posting spree: mariogalaxythree, NWPlayer123
Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: Tahcryon, mariogalaxythree
Most likely to get promoted: Marionumber1

Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Arisotura
Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: Arisotura

Most likely to question life: Agent000
Most likely to overthrow the government: Tahcryon, MoreCowbell, Agent000
Most likely to hack the board: xfix, shibboleet
Best potential leader: cosmological, Agent000

Posted on 06-27-13 06:22 PM Link | #26544
Hehe, well, i guess I already got a spot for laziest! :P

* Most friendly MarioMaster720
* Most helpful Arisotura
* Most creative SquidEmpress
* Most depressing NWPlayer123
* Most missed Astroluma
* Best copycat MK7tester
* Clumsiest Luigi#1
* Most relaxed Agent000

* Best regular user Tahcryon
* Best staff member Arisotura
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users) Dr. Teem

* Best username blank
* Best avatar Dr. Teem
* Best post layout Arisotura
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout Tahcryon
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist cosmological
* Best programmer Marionumber1
* Laziest (really think its me!)
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree SquidEmpress
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year SquidEmpress
* Most likely to get promoted Tahcryon

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board shibboleet

* Most likely to question life Stygmax
* Most likely to overthrow the government Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board MK7tester
* Best potential leader Tahcryon

Posted on 06-27-13 06:49 PM (rev. 5 of 07-02-13 12:57 AM) Link | #26545
* Most friendly gridatttack and RonaldAwesome
* Most helpful Martboo48
* Most creative Martboo48
* Most depressing Shane2100AD
* Most missed Zommy08 and Photobrick Studios
* Best copycat shibboleet
* Clumsiest NoSkinnedKoopa
* Most relaxed gc

* Best regular user Tahcryon
* Best staff member gridatttack
* Best banned user Dr. Teem

* Best username P-SwitchPusher
* Best avatar That's a tough one, cosmological I guess (It's cool)
* Best post layout Arisotura
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout shibboleet
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist cosmological
* Best programmer blank and Marionumber1
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random NoSkinnedKoopa
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year Tahcryon
* Most likely to get promoted gridatttack

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board shibboleet

* Most likely to question life Agent000
* Most likely to overthrow the government Glem3
* Most likely to hack the board Xkeeper
* Best potential leader gridatttack

Posted on 06-27-13 06:52 PM Link | #26546
Might as well do one of these (so people will stop asking me)

* Most friendly Tahcryon
* Most helpful NWPlayer123
* Most creative Astroluma
* Most depressing NWPlayer123
* Most missed Astroluma FnarGod
* Best copycat mariogalaxythree
* Clumsiest shibboleet
* Most relaxed NWPlayer123

* Best regular user Tahcryon
* Best staff member Arisotura
* Best banned user GreggGlem

* Best username Geometric Expulsion
* Best avatar Martboo48
* Best post layout gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout Tahcryon
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist Glem3 Astroluma
* Best programmer Arisotura blank
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted Marionumber1

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Arisotura

* Most likely to question life Agent000
* Most likely to overthrow the government Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board Dirbaio
* Best potential leader Marionumber1

Long live the new Kuribo64

Posted on 06-28-13 06:01 AM (rev. 3 of 07-02-13 12:49 AM) Link | #26557
* Most friendly: cosmological Marionumber1 BACK IN THE OLD DAYS ;-;
* Most helpful: Marionumber1 Geometric Expulsion
* Most creative: cosmological Astroluma Martboo48
* Most depressing: shibboleet mariogalaxythree
* Most missed: GoombaGalaxy Astroluma
* Best copycat: Luigi#1 MK7tester mariogalaxythree
* Clumsiest: shibboleet
* Most relaxed: gc

* Best regular user: MarioMaster720 Marionumber1 Tahcryon
* Best staff member: cosmological
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users): Obesse luma coolcat

* Best username: Geometric Expulsion Martboo48 cosmological
* Best avatar: LordFalcon cosmological Geometric Expulsion
* Best post layout: gridatttack Tahcryon
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout: SquidEmpress Tahcryon mariogalaxythree
* Biggest displayname abuser: MK7tester SquidEmpress mariogalaxythree

* Best artist: cosmological Glem3 LordFalcon
* Best programmer: Arisotura blank Marionumber1
* Laziest: SquidEmpress Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random: Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree: SquidEmpress
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: Tahcryon mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted: Agent000 Marionumber1

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Dirbaio
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: Arisotura

* Most likely to question life: gc
* Most likely to overthrow the government: Tahcryon Agent000 FUCK THE SYSTEM
* Most likely to hack the board: xfix
* Best potential leader: Marionumber1

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 06-28-13 07:05 AM Link | #26559
Heheh, I seem to be leading for most relaxed. :3

* Most friendly - Mika_Galactic
* Most helpful- NWPlayer123
* Most creative - Glem3
* Most depressing- I dunno...
* Most missed- FnarGod
* Best copycat- GreggGlem
* Clumsiest- Dunno
* Most relaxed- Agent000

* Best regular user- Marionumber1
* Best staff member- Arisotura,cosmological,Glem3 (I couldn't decide. ;_;)
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users)- GreggGlem

* Best username- Geometric Expulsion
* Best avatar- cosmological
* Best post layout- Arisotura
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout- Tahcryon
* Biggest displayname abuser- mariogalaxythree

* Best artist- Glem3
* Best programmer- Marionumber1,blank,Arisotura
* Laziest-Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them- NoSkinnedKoopa

* Most likely to appear at random- Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree- SquidEmpress,mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year- mariogalaxythree,SquidEmpress
* Most likely to get promoted- Marionumber1,Agent000,gridatttack

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover- Dirbaio
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board- Arisotura :3

* Most likely to question life- dunno
* Most likely to overthrow the government- Tahcryon
* Most likely to hack the board- Arisotura What? He is, technically. :P
* Best potential leader- gridatttack

Well there you go.

Burrow Base design- Text complete. I might try my hand at some art...maybe...eventually...?
Bullet Base design-
Final Frontier- (collab)

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, it's usually an oncoming express train.

Slow and steady gets you trampled by the other guys.

Posted on 06-29-13 01:47 AM (rev. 5 of 07-02-13 08:21 PM) Link | #26589
Here's mine! :D

* Most friendly: Agent000
* Most helpful: Marionumber1
* Most creative: Glem3
* Most depressing: NWPlayer123
* Most missed: FnarGod
* Best copycat: GreggGlem
* Clumsiest: NoSkinnedKoopa
* Most relaxed: gc

* Best regular user: GintokiPianist, GoombaGalaxy
* Best staff member: Glem3, cosmological
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users): gjnfgn, Homer, coolcat

* Best username: MarioMaster720
* Best avatar: cosmological, Stygmax
* Best post layout: Arisotura, gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout: Tahcryon
* Biggest displayname abuser: SquidEmpress

* Best artist: cosmological, Glem3, GintokiPianist
* Best programmer: Marionumber1, Anthe
* Laziest: shibboleet, MoreCowbell, Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: NoSkinnedKoopa

* Most likely to appear at random: Glem3, Arisotura, Fiachra
* Most likely to start a posting spree: SquidEmpress, Tahcryon
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: SquidEmpress, Tahcryon
* Most likely to get promoted: Marionumber1, Agent000

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Arisotura, Dirbaio
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: shibboleet, Rydia

* Most likely to question life: Geometric Expulsion, MK7tester
* Most likely to overthrow the government: MoreCowbell
* Most likely to hack the board: xfix
* Best potential leader: Marionumber1, Agent000


Posted on 07-01-13 03:50 AM Link | #26749
* Most helpful Arisotura
* Most creative Nick555533
* Most depressing gc
* Most missed Astroluma
* Best copycat GreggGlem
* Clumsiest Glem3
* Most relaxed gridatttack

* Best regular user NWPlayer123
* Best staff member gridatttack, Arisotura, Fiachra
* Best banned user GreggGlem

* Best username Geometric Expulsion
* Best avatar Arisotura
* Best post layout gridatttack
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout mariogalaxythree
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist Glem3
* Best programmer blank
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them shibboleet

* Most likely to appear at random Glem3
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted SquidEmpress

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Harumyne
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Dirbaio

* Most likely to question life MarioMaster720 SINCE YOU WANTED IT SO BADLY
* Most likely to overthrow the government MoreCowbell
* Most likely to hack the board xfix
* Best potential leader gridatttack


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 07-01-13 07:52 PM (rev. 2 of 07-05-13 01:53 AM) Link | #26809
Might as well vote...

Posted on 07-01-13 08:19 PM Link | #26812
* Most friendly Mika_Galactic, Tahcryon, MK7tester
* Most helpful N/A
* Most creative Martboo48
* Most depressing mariogalaxythree, coolcat
* Most missed Stygmax, FnarGod
* Best copycat GreggGlem, mariogalaxythree
* Clumsiest Luigi#1, mariogalaxythree, GreggGlem
* Most relaxed gc

* Best regular user Timmy, Mika_Galactic
* Best staff member Arisotura, Dirbaio, Fiachra
* Best banned user GreggGlem, coolcat, Homer

* Best username Skelux, cosmological
* Best avatar SuperZambezi
* Best post layout Nadia, Arisotura, Tahcryon
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout Degolegodyl
* Biggest displayname abuser mariogalaxythree

* Best artist N/A
* Best programmer Arisotura, Dirbaio, Wiimm
* Laziest Degolegodyl
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them Dirbaio

* Most likely to appear at random Nadia, xfix, Martboo48
* Most likely to start a posting spree mariogalaxythree, SquidEmpress
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year mariogalaxythree
* Most likely to get promoted Marionumber1, Agent000, Goembario

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura, Harumyne
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Arisotura, Dirbaio, Harumyne

* Most likely to question life MoreCowbell
* Most likely to overthrow the government Tahcryon, MoreCowbell, NWPlayer123 :3
* Most likely to hack the board xfix
* Best potential leader N/A

[image] [image]

Posted on 07-02-13 05:52 PM (rev. 6 of 07-03-13 06:14 PM) Link | #26903
Might as well post here, even if I don't know anybody.

* Most friendly - Arisotura, Dirbaio, Nadia, yeah, voting for entire ABXD team
* Most helpful - Dirbaio, perhaps
* Most creative - eπ - π
* Most depressing - SKJmax
* Most missed - coolcat
* Best copycat - Gericom, not only he could copy, but he also could make something from it
* Clumsiest - Arisotura, for not making it "most" category (just kidding)
* Most relaxed - Tahcryon

* Best regular user - Marionumber1, mariogalaxythree (for reminding me to make this post), Tahcryon
* Best staff member - Arisotura, Dirbaio, Glem3
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users) - coolcat (because System32), GreggGlem (make me a board, plz)

* Best username - Username username = new Username();
* Best avatar - MarioMaster720
* Best post layout - Nadia
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout - Nadia
* Biggest displayname abuser - NWPlayer123, Tahcryon, MK7tester, according to http://olive.undo.it/logs/kuribo64.html

* Best artist
* Best programmer - Arisotura, Dirbaio
* Laziest - Arisotura, Kieran Menor from SMW Central
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them - most likely me, but considering I cannot vote for myself, Dirbaio

* Most likely to appear at random - Nadia
* Most likely to start a posting spree - Tahcryon
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year - mariogalaxythree, Tahcryon, NWPlayer123, according to member list
* Most likely to get promoted - Tahcryon

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover - Arisotura - have you made this category for yourself?
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board - Arisotura, Dirbaio

* Most likely to question life - coolcat
* Most likely to overthrow the government - Arisotura
* Most likely to hack the board - Xkeeper (I simply cannot vote for Mega-Mario or dirbaio, since they both have access to server, leaving just me, but I cannot vote for myself)
* Best potential leader - Arisotura, Dirbaio, mariogalaxythree

Posted on 07-04-13 10:50 PM Link | #27127
I only answered one user per category.

* Most friendly GintokiPianist
* Most helpful NWPlayer123
* Most creative Glem3
* Most depressing Glem3
* Most missed Astroluma
* Best copycat MK7tester
* Clumsiest MK7tester
* Most relaxed GintokiPianist

* Best regular user Marionumber1
* Best staff member cosmological
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users) GreggGlem

* Best username gridatttack
* Best avatar shibboleet
* Best post layout - I dunno, I have layouts disabled :3
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout - Disabled :3
* Biggest displayname abuser luigiismyfavoritebro

* Best artist Astroluma
* Best programmer Marionumber1
* Laziest MK7tester
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them MK7tester

* Most likely to appear at random FnarGod
* Most likely to start a posting spree SquidEmpress
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year Tahcryon
* Most likely to get promoted cosmological

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover Arisotura
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board Arisotura

* Most likely to question life SquidEmpress
* Most likely to overthrow the government SquidEmpress
* Most likely to hack the board NWPlayer123
* Best potential leader cosmological

|AgentSplaturn| if someone uses an external hard disk to store porn on
|AgentSplaturn| is it their sex drive? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
|skyluigi| agent that's one of the best quotes I've ever seen on this IRC

Posted on 07-05-13 12:33 AM Link | #27142
Finally, the long awaited Stygmax mosts.

* Most friendly: MK7tester
* Most helpful: Arisotura
* Most creative: Tahcryon
* Most depressing: cosmological
* Most missed: FnarGod
* Best copycat: mariogalaxythree
* Clumsiest: Yoyoman, mariogalaxythree
* Most relaxed: Marionumber1

* Best regular user: MK7tester
* Best staff member: Glem3
* Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users): Obesse luma

* Best username: Obesse luma
* Best avatar: shibboleet
* Best post layout: Tahcryon
* Most likely to break the board with their post layout: Rydia
* Biggest displayname abuser: mariogalaxythree

* Best artist: Astroluma
* Best programmer: Marionumber1
* Laziest: MarioMaster720
* Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them: Skelux

* Most likely to appear at random: Demon Summoner
* Most likely to start a posting spree: mariogalaxythree (Jeez, he's on a lot of these)
* Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year: Tahcryon
* Most likely to get promoted: NWPlayer123

* Biggest Acmlmboard lover: Dirbaio
* Most likely to use Acmlmboard or ABXD for their own board: shibboleet

* Most likely to question life: Degolegodyl
* Most likely to overthrow the government: Marionumber1
* Most likely to hack the board: Dirbaio
* Best potential leader: Glem3 (I'm assuming you mean the board, not SMG2.5 :P)
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Posted on 07-07-13 11:29 AM Link | #27398
Voting closed! I will announce the results in a separate thread soon :)

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Main - Glass trash - Kuribo64 Mosts 2013 Hide post layouts | Thread closed

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