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Posted on 04-04-13 10:18 PM (rev. 4 of 06-27-13 07:25 PM) Link | #19150
Yes, it's possible. No more need for Wiiscrubber or a replacement.

You need:
* All of SMG's files extracted in a folder
* SMG's DOL (main.dol) in that same folder
* an apploader. Typically you're going to take SMG's, but all the apploaders are the same anyway

Dolphin needs some setup though.

Open Dolphin's config and go to the Paths tab. Set the DVD root path to the folder that contains your SMG files, and set the apploader path to your apploader file.

Now, for Dolphin to see your game's save data, there's an extra step needed. You can skip it alltogether if you don't have save data.

Open Dolphin's 'User' folder. Go into 'Wii' then 'title' then '00010000'. You need to know your game's ID. Here are a few known IDs:

Once you got your ID, convert it to hex, with a tool like this: http://www.dolcevie.com/js/converter.html
The hex ID is the result, with the four numbers stuck together. For example, for SMG1 PAL the hex ID would be: 524d4750

In the '00010000' folder, find a folder whose name is the hex ID of your game. Copy that folder.

Go back to the 'title' folder. Create a folder named 'ffffffff' (if it already exists, rename it or delete it). Inside that folder, paste the folder you previously copied, and rename it to 'ffffffff'.

You can then load the game's main.dol and Dolphin will run the game as if it was running from an ISO.

There are a few problems though:
* lack of flexibility: you would have to change the DVD root if you want to switch between SMG1 and SMG2 (and/or other games) -- you pretty much need to have one Dolphin copy for each game you want to hack
* SMGExtractor doesn't dump the apploader, so you can't use it alone to get your game's files looking at SMGExtractor's code, it should dump the apploader
* If any of the game's files has been opened in Whitehole, you will need to completely close Whitehole, or Dolphin will fail to access the concerned files, causing the game to crash. This is inconvenient. We'll try to find a fix...

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 04-05-13 03:45 AM Link | #19162
Wow. Nice discovery! How long exactly did it take you to find it out?


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 04-05-13 11:54 AM Link | #19188
It took me to look closer into Dolphin's game loading code I guess. Which happened when I started thinking about making Dolphin parse Riivo patches.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 04-05-13 07:07 PM Link | #19206
So I assume that if we can run SMG from a folder, we can also add files to the game in Dolphin?

Posted on 04-05-13 09:45 PM Link | #19212
Yes, since Dolphin basically builds the FST from the folder :)

As for Riivo memory patches, well, I guess we can just code something to insert them into a .dol :)

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


(post deleted) #19279

Posted on 04-06-13 09:13 PM Link | #19284
Of course.

As I said, you'd have to change the DVD root between each game, though.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


(post deleted) #19287

Posted on 04-14-13 12:44 PM Link | #20321
So I finally found out how to get Dolphin to load saves when running the game from a directory. Added those instructions to the first post.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 06-11-13 09:28 PM Link | #24739
Can someone tell me what an apploader is?

Posted on 06-11-13 09:34 PM Link | #24745
Well, just extract your iso with dolphin, or use the game extractor tool for wii to get all the files from your retail copy.
When done that, you will see the apploader file.

Posted on 06-11-13 09:42 PM (rev. 2 of 06-11-13 09:44 PM) Link | #24749
Actually SMGExtractor doesn't extract the .dol or the apploader. This is planned for the next release though.

As for what the apploader is, well... it does what its name says, it loads your game. It is run before the game itself and initializes certain stuff.

I should also mention that all the games come with the same apploader, so it doesn't matter where you get it from as long as it's a Wii game :)

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 06-11-13 09:56 PM (rev. 2 of 06-11-13 09:56 PM) Link | #24757
Oh lol I just said something without knowing it for sure, my bad :P
But what MM said is the anwser you need.

Posted on 12-07-13 08:45 PM Link | #35788
Is anyone else having issues with this running Dolpin 4.0 x64? Followed all the steps correctly and Dolphin crashes when I run main.dol. All the folders and paths are set up correctly.

Posted on 12-07-13 08:49 PM Link | #35790
Try another version of Dolphin. Or check the dol size. It should be around 350 KB.


Posted on 12-07-13 09:07 PM (rev. 2 of 12-07-13 09:07 PM) Link | #35794
Figured it out, Dolphin botched the DOL. ~350 bytes, ripped with Wiiscrubber it's around 6MB. So if you have crashes ripping with Dolphin 4 just do that.

Posted on 12-07-13 09:11 PM Link | #35795
Just for notice, SMG1's dol is ~250 KB.


Posted on 12-07-13 10:52 PM Link | #35801
Well dunno, I guess Wiiscrubber pads it or something. Runs fine for me.

Posted on 12-08-13 08:45 PM Link | #35834
Cool! For the Whitehole thing: I remember in vb.net you had to use (for example to read/write a text file) .Close to make it accessible for other programs. Is there a Java equivalent for this or does it work differently?


Posted on 03-09-14 08:14 AM Link | #39325
Just a question, how we obtain files required ?

UltraStars3000. ;)

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