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Main - SMG2.5 - World 7 - [Atomic Clock Galaxy] Atomic Clock Galaxy Main Level Design Hide post layouts | New reply

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Posted on 03-11-13 09:16 PM Link | #17593
I think this has been suggested before, but Amps (both the small, faced ones and the large, faceless ones) would make excellent electrons. Shocking meteors would make great beta particles.

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 03-11-13 09:40 PM Link | #17600
Yes, I brought that idea up on proboards. Imagine having to jump from atom to atom with amps whirling around in circles. I'd suggest pull stars to get to each one, but I feel like the dodging amps with pull stars thing has already been done...

Posted on 03-11-13 09:54 PM Link | #17610
Mario could be walking up an atom, then all of a susden, an Amp comes his path in the opposite direction he is going! I don't think the "Waah, it's coming straight for me!" has been used yet. That would be a replacement for Pull Stars.

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 03-11-13 10:09 PM Link | #17615
It's decided. I want to design this. Hopefully the design will be done by the end of next week (and yes I'll include art too) :3

Aanyway I just wanna ask since I can't remember it: How is the star layout for this galaxy? (Like is it 2 normal missions, 1 secret and 3 green, 1 normal mission, 1 comet, 1 secret and 3 green, 1 normal mission, 1 comet and 3 green or is it 3 normal missions, 2 comets and 1 secret/green?) :)

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 03-11-13 10:10 PM Link | #17616
I am eager to see your design MM720:P

If you could incorporate some gear platforming, that would be great.


Posted on 03-11-13 11:10 PM Link | #17622
Posted by MarioMaster720
It's decided. I want to design this. Hopefully the design will be done by the end of next week (and yes I'll include art too) :3

Aanyway I just wanna ask since I can't remember it: How is the star layout for this galaxy? (Like is it 2 normal missions, 1 secret and 3 green, 1 normal mission, 1 comet, 1 secret and 3 green, 1 normal mission, 1 comet and 3 green or is it 3 normal missions, 2 comets and 1 secret/green?) :)
It's whatever you decide

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 03-12-13 04:56 PM Link | #17699
What? Wasn't this 2 normal stars and 2 green stars?


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 03-12-13 07:08 PM Link | #17704
no, that was paper caper and foggy bog

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 03-12-13 07:47 PM Link | #17707
I thought all w7 was two star

Posted on 03-12-13 09:43 PM Link | #17733
I'll just try and make at least 1 Normal Mission, 1 comet and 2 green, and then we'll see :P

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 03-12-13 10:56 PM Link | #17756
Posted by MoreCowbell
I thought all w7 was two star

*facepalm* I just now realized that. You're right xD

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 03-13-13 02:48 PM (rev. 2 of 03-13-13 07:43 PM) Link | #17792
so it will be 1 normal, 1 comet and 2 green? or just one normal and one comet? or 2 normal, 1 comet and 1 secret?
Basically are we doing it SMG1 or SMG2 style?

EDIT: Also I might wanna know if there are any powerups planned for this galaxy and is Yoshi in it? Do you think there should be powerups here (I personally don't, but just asking) :)

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 03-13-13 08:29 PM Link | #17802
Here are my personal opinions:

*1 normal, 1 comet/secret, 2 green.
*Which ever style of your choice, but I would imagine SMG2 style is being used in most galaxies.
*I personally don't recall Yoshi or any power-ups being planned.
*I agree with you on no power-ups. It might be cool use Yoshi here.

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 03-13-13 08:38 PM Link | #17806
No yoshi...

It would be unfitting

Posted on 03-13-13 09:57 PM (rev. 2 of 03-13-13 09:57 PM) Link | #17818
I'll just try and come up with something without any powerups or Yoshis (as the only powerup which can fit is the Spring Mushroom, and it's going to be used in the next galaxy so I guess we shouldn't have it here).

Also yeah while I preferred the SMG1 style in normal galaxies I think the SMG2 style fits best for 2-star galaxies :)

Buuut anyway this is probably a dumb question but I just wanna be 100% sure; Is it possible to shrink Mario (by triggering a switch or something maybe?)

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 03-13-13 10:23 PM Link | #17821
Not AFAIK. Otherwise we would already be planning something for Size Switchup as well using that. It would be cool tho, I agree on that.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 03-13-13 11:21 PM Link | #17831
Another Question: Is it possible to assign ANY Path to Amps? (the small floating electric balls). Like can we make them move in any shape with any length? (Some of you might see where I'm going with this :3)

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 03-13-13 11:25 PM (rev. 3 of 03-18-13 11:37 PM) Link | #17832
Yes, both regular Amps and Faceless Amps have be assigned paths.

EDIT 2: Maulio suggested to me molecules with clock faces.

Super Mario LOLand

Thanks to kaj for helping to port my Acmlmboard 2.5 layout to Acmlmboard 2.064!

Posted on 09-13-13 05:58 AM Link | #32422
are there exactly allready model maked of this galaxy?

Posted on 09-13-13 01:31 PM Link | #32425
No, this isn't even approved.


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

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Main - SMG2.5 - World 7 - [Atomic Clock Galaxy] Atomic Clock Galaxy Main Level Design Hide post layouts | New reply

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