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02-17-25 11:46 PM

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Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-29-13 12:08 AM Link | #10719
Welcome to Kuribo Cirnya!

I can help you with all of your wii modding needs!


Posted on 01-29-13 12:11 AM Link | #10722
Welcome aboard! If you need help with the forums or would like some info on the project in general, just feel free to ask!


Posted on 01-29-13 12:13 AM Link | #10724
Posted by Cirnya
uh, hi I guess

i have no experience with modding wii, I have a bit of experience with level design for a different game, which is something for another time, but another thinking head in this project would probably do some good.

i've been going through the galaxy design pages and i've noticed you guys seem to argue quite a bit, paper caper for example

I'm probably a suitable person for a playtester if I either A. can emulate reliably or B. actually figure out wii modding, because I never really found most of the stuff in either galaxy game that difficult. luigi's purple coins is so easy.

I'm probably already setting a bad first impression but oh well! Let's just see how it ends up.

I think that we need real playtesters like you, who are willing to spoil the game to make it better through playtesting by finding bugs. Because we keep running into ethnical issues over what we should release and such.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 01-29-13 12:25 AM Link | #10736
True, I noticed that since all the members are really good at smg, we should get a playtester that is not as good at the game and let them see if the level of difficulty is appropriate.

Posted on 01-29-13 12:34 AM Link | #10741
I'm pretty good at SMG. I've 100%'d both SMG and SMG2, recently played through the second again. I had very few problem areas..

the one thing I will always hate will be the star marble. I had so much trouble with Rolling Gizmo the first time


Posted on 01-29-13 12:38 AM (rev. 3 of 01-29-13 12:41 AM) Link | #10743
Wait, not to butt in, but this is starting to become a reflection of *shudder* jobs. :P

I also like how someone finally noticed how much we argue.
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Posted on 01-29-13 12:43 AM Link | #10748
Jobs weren't bad anyway....
And dego is there a reason you assumed she's not good at smg? xD

Posted on 01-29-13 12:44 AM Link | #10750
Posted by Cirnya
I'm pretty good at SMG. I've 100%'d both SMG and SMG2, recently played through the second again. I had very few problem areas..

the one thing I will always hate will be the star marble. I had so much trouble with Rolling Gizmo the first time


But do you have....248 Stars? Heh heh heh...
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Posted on 01-29-13 01:05 AM Link | #10763
Posted by MoreCowbell
And dego is there a reason you assumed she's not good at smg? xD

I misread what she wrote here:

Posted by Cirnya
because I never really found most of the stuff in either galaxy game that difficult.

I read that she DID find it difficult.

Posted on 01-29-13 01:07 AM Link | #10764
Are you really a girl? I find that just...unbelievable for some reason. You're the first real girl here.
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Posted on 01-29-13 02:30 AM Link | #10792
I thought there were more (Nina?)

Posted on 01-29-13 02:58 AM Link | #10794
Nina is actually a man.
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

(post deleted) #10795

(post deleted) #10796

(post deleted) #10797

(post deleted) #10798

Posted on 01-29-13 06:34 PM Link | #10989
Hello there Cirnya, welcome aboard and all! Enjoy your stay here :)

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 01-29-13 07:06 PM Link | #10991
Since everyone else has said it too, I might as well say it too: Welcome to the forum Cirnya (that name reminds me of Cyhthia from Pokemon for some reason, even though the names aren't THAT much alike). I hope you'll like it here :)

Also I like how finally a real girl has joined the forum. It adds more variety to the members, also maybe Girls can come up with some ideas and thoughts which we guys couldn't. ;)

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 01-30-13 01:46 AM Link | #11313
I am first off dr.teems brother and what I want to do is beta test games and find glitches and bugs. I hope I will help you finish off this game

Posted on 01-30-13 01:47 AM Link | #11314
Welcome to the board Odog! :)

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