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Posted on 01-15-13 07:00 PM Link | #6261
Granted, but then you'd lose too much weight and die

I wish I had a real katana ;~:


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 01-15-13 09:11 PM Link | #6288
Granted, but you're not worthy enough to wield that one either :P (Unoriginal Wish gets Unoriginal Answer)

I wish that I had any knowledge of ASM Hacking

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 01-15-13 09:43 PM Link | #6293
Granted, but you are flooding your inbox with PM's asking for ASM hacks and you can't take it anymore and you throw your computer out the window and into the street, where it is blown away by a Category 5 Tornado and it lands in the ocean and turns the ocean into a electrical water and anybody who touches it will die instantly, plus, all the oil rigs explode, and oil is all over the water and your family is sued and beheaded.

I wish that I was moar awesome :3


Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-16-13 05:09 AM Link | #6335
You used the wrong moar, so you wish was ungranted

I wish for a world where everyone can get along, money isnt a problem and bacon grows on trees.


Posted on 01-16-13 05:11 AM Link | #6337
Granted, but then Bacon becomes the new way of currency.

I wish/hope TeresaChief worked/works in SMG2. :3

Posted on 01-16-13 05:14 AM Link | #6340
Granted, but it doesn't work completely, so it's just a stationary boo that stares into your soul

I wish that beheading MM was easier ;~;


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Posted on 01-16-13 05:16 AM Link | #6343
Granted, but then he bans you.

I wish the Spooky Speedster was in SMG2 :3

Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-16-13 05:22 AM Link | #6352
Granted but its >2spooky4u

I wish that strongbad would just kill homsar


Posted on 01-17-13 05:48 AM Link | #6542
I have no idea what your talking about, but wish granted and you die.

I wish SMSe would be complete soon. :3

Posted on 01-17-13 09:01 AM (rev. 2 of 01-17-13 09:02 AM) Link | #6548
Granted, but it is full of bugs

I wish I was an Ottoman emperor


[04/15/2018]gridatttack: I still think the whole smg2.5 team are still in middle school lol
[04/15/2018]gridatttack: and they are 14yrs old

cosmological: There's no one in Russia who doesn't agree with Putin, probably because his ideas are that great

Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-17-13 02:48 PM Link | #6570
K, but youre dethroned

I wish for software at reasonable prices.


Posted on 01-17-13 10:05 PM Link | #6663
Granted, but you suddenly become very poor.

I wish for Nintendo to release the Fire Emblem: Awakening Demo in Europe too!

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-17-13 11:13 PM Link | #6682
Your wish is granted, but you can only run it on american devices.

I wish that Whitehole had a cool name like Anarchy In The Galaxy does.


Posted on 01-18-13 12:16 AM Link | #6686
Granted, but it's called WhiteholeStyle

I wish I knew how to make a post layout cover your avatar.
Status: It was really, really fun, guys - thanks for the ride!

Dr. Teem
Posted on 01-18-13 03:04 AM Link | #6710
Granted, but you forget EVERYTHING ELSE.

I wish that that i could practice my kazoo without being kicked out of Bed, Bath, and Beyond


Posted on 01-18-13 03:07 AM Link | #6711
Granted, but then it breaks like every cheap toy. :P

I wish Nintendo would stop coming up with such simple Mario titles and break the laws of gravity once again.

Posted on 01-18-13 03:29 AM Link | #6719
Granted, but they literally break gravity and we all die in a horrible demise.

I wish that school is cancelled tomorrow due to the snow :P


Posted on 01-18-13 03:30 AM Link | #6720
Granted, but then they take away the holiday on Monday.

I wish SMS got more respect. :3

Posted on 01-18-13 03:56 AM Link | #6722
Granted but then it gets too much respect and everybody talks shit about the new 3D Mario on wii u :P
I wish that there were better and easier tutorials online to teach me how to program the stuff I WANT TO PROGRAM. I kinda have to use lots of copypasta and mess around and learn the code the hard way. But then it gives me a good understanding of stuff.

"I hate playing musical chats" ~ Quote of the month

Posted on 01-18-13 12:35 PM Link | #6734
But then youd have to go to university to learn programming.

I wish i wasnt grounded this weekend.
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