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Posted on 04-16-17 11:07 AM (rev. 5 of 04-16-17 01:54 PM) Link | #82536
Some issues/questions:
1. When exporting peach's castle, peach's castle upper floor or peach's castle backyards results in "Nullable object must have a value". The log for the backyard export. Those exports also fail when I try to import them into sketchup - others succeed.

2. Clicking "import model", while it does work, brings up "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." with this log for The Secret Aquarium.

3. Should I start adding parameters to the appropriate fields forms in the object database? Right now 99% seem to be written in the object Description field. The parameter fields don't seem very useful at the moment though....

4. The position of the ! Block in the editor doesn't match up with the game - in-game it is higher.

Posted on 04-16-17 02:22 PM Link | #82542
Interestingly, ENEMY_SWITCH uses Y rotation as the height of its cylinder collider.

Current hack: Excerpt from Super Mario 256

Any map on a flat torus can be colored with at most 7 colors.

Posted on 04-16-17 04:16 PM Link | #82545
Posted by Hiccup
Some issues/questions:
1. When exporting peach's castle, peach's castle upper floor or peach's castle backyards results in "Nullable object must have a value". The log for the backyard export. Those exports also fail when I try to import them into sketchup - others succeed.

2. Clicking "import model", while it does work, brings up "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." with this log for The Secret Aquarium.

3. Should I start adding parameters to the appropriate fields forms in the object database? Right now 99% seem to be written in the object Description field. The parameter fields don't seem very useful at the moment though....

4. The position of the ! Block in the editor doesn't match up with the game - in-game it is higher.

1. Seems to be a bug introduced in past few days triggered when there are no normals in a model, previsouly every vertex was given a normal of (0,0,0) when none was defined so it was never noticed. Go back to using R96 for exporting until it's fixed.

2. I'll look into it but this shouldn't cause any issues to your model.

3. Probably we all should, when we're editing an existing entry we should update the parameters.

4. Should be easily fixed, do you off-hand the distance?

Posted on 04-16-17 04:18 PM Link | #82546
Posted by Fiachra
4. Should be easily fixed, do you off-hand the distance?

What do you mean?

Posted on 04-16-17 04:33 PM Link | #82547
Meant "do you know" the distance by which it is higher in the game?

Posted on 04-16-17 06:36 PM (rev. 2 of 04-16-17 06:36 PM) Link | #82551
Oh yeah, I see - but I can't seem to recreate it. Pretty sure it did happen though. Next time it happens I'll post a xdelta patch for the ROM.

Posted on 04-16-17 10:51 PM (rev. 2 of 04-16-17 11:02 PM) Link | #82561
Importing a single axis-aligned plane as a KCL causes the exporter to attempt to create m*n octrees, where m and n are 1024 times the length and width of the plane in SM64DSe units. (a 0.5 x 0.5 plane creats 512*512=262144 octrees).
Maybe it's caused by a float equality comparison?

Current hack: Excerpt from Super Mario 256

Any map on a flat torus can be colored with at most 7 colors.

Posted on 04-17-17 10:48 AM (rev. 2 of 04-17-17 10:48 AM) Link | #82573
Suggestion: allow copy-pasting when an object is selected in the object list - right now it only works while selecting the object in the visual preview

Posted on 04-17-17 02:22 PM Link | #82574
Posted by mibts
Importing a single axis-aligned plane as a KCL causes the exporter to attempt to create m*n octrees, where m and n are 1024 times the length and width of the plane in SM64DSe units. (a 0.5 x 0.5 plane creats 512*512=262144 octrees).
Maybe it's caused by a float equality comparison?

I'll look into this.

Posted by Hiccup
Suggestion: allow copy-pasting when an object is selected in the object list - right now it only works while selecting the object in the visual preview

I'll add this.

Posted on 04-20-17 09:29 AM (rev. 2 of 04-20-17 10:02 AM) Link | #82643
Thanks. Another request: could you make it so the editor saves your last model import settings (could be an optional thing. could also have multiple "profiles" for the collision IDs) and auto-updates the level preview when a new model is imported (also could be optional).

Also, I don't know if you are aware of this, but occasionally the wrong models are displayed for objects after importing a level model. I.e. brick blocks will use the goomba model, or Mario in the scale preview will be replaced by something else (can't remember an example).

Posted on 04-20-17 07:26 PM Link | #82651
1. OK
2. Can you elaborate on what you mean by profiles for collision ID's?
3. It used to have this, should be able to add it again.

4. Is this still happening? It should have been fixed in r96.

Posted on 04-21-17 12:49 PM Link | #82662
2. I mean a feature where you can save the collision IDs for an import so you don't have to type them in every time.
4. I am using r96 or above. I've updated to the latest one and I will post if I encounter the bug on that version.

Posted on 04-21-17 07:23 PM Link | #82675
2. I could save them temporarily for the duration of the application instance ie. until it's closed so long as the filename and material names match.

Posted on 04-26-17 06:35 PM (rev. 3 of 04-27-17 06:20 AM) Link | #82765
SM64DSe R99 v2.3 BETA 2017/04/25

- Fix error when exporting model without normals to DAE
- Prevent overflowing of normals when generating BMD model
- Add options to remember last used model importation settings for duration of application instance

Download in SM64DSe Git repo and last download thread.

Still to fix:
- Copy-and-paste level objects from list
- KCL large octree issue

Hiccup: I haven't forgotten about the area editing; I'm in the process of writing a brand new model and collision map editor/importer which will allow:
- add, removing and re-ordering bones
- removing and changing the assigned bone for "geometries" and "polylists"
- adding, editing and removing materials
- adding, editing and removing textures and palettes
for both existing models and models to be imported as well as maintaing the current collision map features.

Edit 2:
mibts: I've only just come across your various threads about your ASM hacks and editor updates; I'll start merging in your changes apart from the ASM ones.

Posted on 05-04-17 09:01 PM Link | #82856
I'd like to make a feature request/suggestion; I would like the option to choose texture compression format when replacing a texture in the Texture and BTP Editor, or when importing a model. I don't know what formats are supported in the editor atm, but it would be nice to be able to choose between A5I3 and A3I5. (AFAIK the editor picks this automatically currently?)

Posted on 05-05-17 06:04 AM Link | #82857
It'll be implemented in the new model editor/importer I'm working on. The editor currently supports all 6:
- A3I5 Translucent Texture
- 4-Color Palette Texture
- 16-Color Palette Texture
- 256-Color Palette Texture
- 4x4-Texel Compressed Texture
- A5I3 Translucent Texture
- Direct Texture

The current logic is as follows:
if (translucent/transparent)
if (no. of colours <= 8) use A5I3
else use A3I5
if (no. of colours <= 4) use 4-colour
else if ("smallest size" selected OR ("better quality when sensible" AND no. of colours > 256 AND width x height > 4096) use 4x4 texel compressed
else if (no. of colours <= 16) use 16-colour
else if (no. of colours <= 256) use 256-colour
else use direct

Posted on 05-30-17 07:37 PM Link | #83388
SM64DSe R100 v2.3.1 2017/05/30

- Add a new advanced model and collision map editor
- Correctly handle absence of vertex normals and texture co-ordinates in BMD files
- Fix issues in DAE exporter when no normals or texture co-ordinates are present
- Fix division by zero issue when reading KCL files for editing and exporting
- Fix bug in BMD importer when converting to triangle strips which resulted in the wrong polylists being replaced
- Add the following features from mibts:
-- Optional grid for precise placement of objects
-- Restriction plane (RP) to snap placed objects to, for example, y = 0.0
-- In the absence of a RP, placed objects snap to the collision triangle the mouse is touching if there is one
-- Alt+{Up | Down | Left | Right | F | B} for top, bottom, left, right, front, and back views in level editor
-- BCA importer now creates smaller BCAs by using the constant-track, same-track, and interpolation optimizations. (by a factor of about 6)
-- Limit size of KCL octree

Download in SM64DSe Git repo and last download thread.

Posted on 06-06-17 02:04 AM Link | #83583
The advanced model editor is looking pretty good! I just used it to remove backface culling from a water material, and it looks useful for other changes to models that I previously had to hex edit in. :)

Current hack: Excerpt from Super Mario 256

Any map on a flat torus can be colored with at most 7 colors.

Posted on 06-12-17 08:01 PM Link | #83711
SM64DSe R101 v2.3.2 2017/06/12

- Fixed a long-standing bug in the v2 patch whereby Y translation values weren't copied due to the misunderstanding that texture translations contained but a single component
- Updated the texture animation editor to include separate X and Y translation transformations
- Fixed issue whereby the "Optimise" checkbox in the animation editor did not correctly reflect the setting's value
- Merged the following changes of mibts':
-- CLPS form and datastructure updated to reflect the correct CLPS structure
-- Updated matrix decomposition function
-- The level editor loads the entire overlay on initialization and rewrites the entire thing on save to prevent glitches with adding new areas.
-- PaletteFit (TM) compresses palettes for compressed textures by overlapping them nearly as much as possible
-- QuickGraph imported to support the PaletteFit (TM) algorithm
-- Increased quality of compressed textures. Combined with PaletteFit (TM), the size of a texture may increase or decrease.
-- The following ASM hacking compilation and generation features have been merged but are disable by default due to not having been tested:
--- Code compiler that takes an ASMPatchTemplate folder and an offset to compile code for
--- Dynamic overlay support in said code compiler (requires a patch in the ROM to work)
--- Overlay compiler for levels
--- A template for adding a new platform to the game
--- Sound browser/player with support for SWAV files only
- Updated the level XML importer and exporter format to reflect the CLPS and texture animation changes

Note: This increases the ROM patch version to 5 so you will be asked to patch your ROM upon opening it in R101. I would recommend making a backup if you have made changes to any levels in case there is an issue. Technical details on the v5 patch are given below:

Prior to v2.3.2 it was thought that texture animations simply contained a single translation component with only offsets 0x14 and 0x16 in the texture animation header being used to determine the translation values to be copied to the new overlay:
14 2 Number of X translation values
16 2 Start offset in dwords of the X translations in the translation values table
18 2 Number of Y translation values
1A 2 Start offset in dwords of the Y translations in the translation values table

The values at offsets 0x18 and 0x1A were still copied however in the case that their range fell outside that of the X translation values then the values read were simply whichever data came after the translation table in memory.

This patch checks whether the Y translation values have been correctly copied, indicated by a value of "1" for the level format version specified at 0x7F bits 0-3 within the level header and if not, will replace missing Y translation values with a value of zero. The level is then saved with a level format version of "1". Levels whose level format version is already "1" will not be modified.

Download in SM64DSe Git repo and last download thread.

Posted on 06-14-17 06:30 AM Link | #83760
SM64DSe R102 v2.3.3 2017/06/14

- Include the following changes from mibts:
-- Include latest ASM Hacking Template v2 templates and examples
-- Apply patch to allow use of ASM Hacking Template v2
- Enable all ASM hacking features

Download in SM64DSe Git repo and last download thread.
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