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Posted on 10-22-13 04:03 PM Link | #34120
Another suggestion: Maybe translating the editor in different languages. I could translate it into German. :)

Posted on 10-23-13 05:44 PM Link | #34139
Another suggestion: Maybe translating the editor in different languages.

Thanks for your offer but I don't want to be translating it until the very end, whenever that'll be. It would just be too much hassle having to worry about translated text every time you want to make change.

Posted on 10-23-13 08:39 PM Link | #34149
oke that .dae importing is very buggy. I don't know if it is blender but there is something wrong. and after you imported a wrong .dae you can delete the rom because every single import in the further on that rom will be disturbed. I will give you later the how and what, its very complicated.

Posted on 11-23-13 01:10 PM Link | #35274
Add support for:
Japan (R1)


Posted on 11-23-13 01:16 PM Link | #35276
Telling users to use one of the already supported ROM versions is easier than adding support for less widely used versions. Just look into the ROM patching code at how many ROM version-specific parameters it takes.

NSMBHD - Kafuka - Jul
melonDS the most fruity DS emulator there is


Posted on 11-24-13 09:09 AM (rev. 3 of 11-24-13 09:13 AM) Link | #35297
This is my current list of collision types, It may be useful if you were to incorporate a dropdown box or selection in the CLPS editor. You may notice there are certain patterns relating to the walking sound effect and camera behavior in the first and second bytes respectively.

196 15 3 0 255 0 0 0

194 15 3 0 255 0 0 0

200 15 3 0 255 0 0 0

244 15 0 0 255 0 0 0
35 0 4 0 255 0 0 0

Climbable Hill:
196 47 116 0 255 0 0 0; Normal
197 47 116 0 255 0 0 0; Wood

Unclimbable Hill:
196 63 3 0 255 0 0 0

Unclimbable Grass Hill:
194 63 4 0 255 0 0 0

Vanish Cap Wall:
76 128 140 1 255 0 0 0

Death Floor:
192 15 32 0 255 0 0 0

Lethal Lava/Ice:
199 15 12 0 255 0 0 0
192 143 12 0 255 0 0 0

Instant-Death Sand:
8 15 76 0 255 0 0 0
8 0 76 0 255 0 0 0

No-Death Sand (Last 4 bytes are speed/direction):
8 0 60 0 255 0 0 0

198 63 4 0 255 0 0 0

Peach's Slide Starting Line:
196 223 120 0 255 0 0 0

Peach's Slide Finish Line:
196 223 128 0 255 0 0 0

Hang From Ceiling:
197 15 27 0 255 0 0 0 0

Level Boundary:
192 63 4 1 255 0 0 0

Posted on 11-24-13 09:36 AM (rev. 2 of 12-09-13 07:43 PM) Link | #35298
Thanks. I'll see about adding a dropdown to the CLPS editor, possibly as a 'description' column so you can select a type to populate a row and still maintain current functionality.


R63 2013/12/09

- The CLPS editor now has "Description/Type" column displaying a list of the known collision types. That value will be selected if recognised and you can use it to set the collision entry to a known type.
The collision types are stored in the XML file CLPS_Types.xml so more can be easily added as they're found, I've added a couple more to it.
- The Texture Editor now loads all textures and palettes within the BMD model which can be manually paired up for importing and exporting or you can load a BTP file to pair them up.
- Added option to offset or scale all objects' co-ordinates at once, handy if you need to shift or change the size of your model and have already placed objects.
- Fixed bug when importing DAE model where material names sometimes weren't being loaded correctly.
- Increased amount of objects that get rendered in the Level Editor including more awkward ones like Wiggler and Pokeys.
- Updated Object Database based off recent thread.


If anyone has updates to the Object Database or CLPS Types, send me the changes to the XML files or post them in the Object Database thread and I'll include them in the next revision.

Posted on 12-09-13 07:48 PM (rev. 2 of 12-09-13 07:48 PM) Link | #35874
Is there any easy way to decompress the overlay files? I am assuming that the code stored at 020D3C30 is in such a file, since I can't find it in the ROM. I've been slaving away all night to find this address with the hope of improving the game's controls, but all of the useful code I've found so far is inaccessible in the ROM.

Posted on 12-09-13 07:56 PM (rev. 3 of 12-09-13 08:34 PM) Link | #35875
NSMBe has an option to decompress overlays within the game, just select an overlay and click "Decompress overlay". You would have to do each one individually though.

Should be easy enough to add an option to SM64DSe to decompress them all.

Here you go:

Go to the Debug menu ('D' dropdown on main form) > Decompress Overlays Within Game.

Posted on 12-10-13 07:14 AM (rev. 2 of 12-11-13 01:13 PM) Link | #35895
Thanks, here is my first attempt at swapping the run button:

02 0B 30 E2
B0 00 C2 E1
93 01 00 E0
B0 00 92 E1
00 00 00 00
03 00 00 1A
06 0C 86 E2
B4 0A D0 E1
00 00 50 E3

3A 00 00 EA
It is still faulty at this point, smoke from running needs to be swapped around and also you do not automatically run while in the air.

I fixed those issues, here is a much better code:

B4 00 D9 E1
02 0B 30 E2
B4 00 C9 E1

3A 00 00 EA
I'll next try to increase acceleration, allow faster turning, and start with the camera zoomed out.

Posted on 12-11-13 06:34 PM Link | #35917
Good work! I'll it to the list of patches.

Posted on 12-14-13 07:16 AM (rev. 5 of 12-14-13 08:56 AM) Link | #36053
Swimming has been fixed so that you are not constantly moving while in water, also acceleration is increased. Note that I am using the EU ROM:

B4 00 D9 E1
02 0B 30 E2
B4 00 C9 E1

3A 00 00 EA

02 10 A0 E3

01 2A 84 E2

Here's the camera.

01 10 A0 E3
02 00 A0 E3
CD 18 C5 E5
54 01 85 E5

Posted on 12-14-13 10:41 AM Link | #36056
Could you add the ability to replace levels and/or star selects to the editor? I know that might seem like I'm being lazy, but it is a GUI editor isn't it?

Posted on 12-25-13 12:20 AM Link | #36661
It looks as though collision type 192 143 92 0 X 0 0 0 (windy platform) may use presets stored somewhere else in the overlay. Rainbow Ride uses the collision types 192 143 92 0 4 0 0 0, 197 143 92 0 5 0 0 0, and 197 143 92 0 6 0 0 0. However, using these same collision settings in another level will not produce the same direction and wind strength.

Posted on 12-25-13 06:19 PM Link | #36684
Would it be possible to port some of these patches to AR codes? They could be useful in emulators.

Posted on 12-26-13 10:09 AM Link | #36726
"It looks as though collision type 192 143 92 0 X 0 0 0 (windy platform) may use presets stored somewhere else in the overlay." - I think it's using paths for the wind direction but I don't know where the path IDs to use are set. It looks like paths used for wind have different parameter 2 values to other paths.

"Would it be possible to port some of these patches to AR codes? They could be useful in emulators." - It might be possible but why would you want to? You could just patch the ROM and play that in an emulator or on a flashcart.

Posted on 12-29-13 02:39 PM Link | #36874
I don't mind doing this myself if you're not bothered, but I'd like to see the interfaces improved. None of the components are resized when changing the size of the window, you can fix this in the anchoring settings. Also, on a more OCD level, some of the buttons are not precisely adjacent to each other.

Posted on 12-29-13 03:35 PM (rev. 4 of 12-30-13 04:26 PM) Link | #36876
Posted by Skelux
I don't mind doing this myself if you're not bothered, but I'd like to see the interfaces improved. None of the components are resized when changing the size of the window, you can fix this in the anchoring settings. Also, on a more OCD level, some of the buttons are not precisely adjacent to each other.

I'll try and improve them. I'll be updating:
Text Editor, KCL Editor, CLPS Editor, Minimap Editor, Texture Editor, Texture Animation Editor, ROM File Select, Model Importer

I had already started and am close to finishing totally re-doing the Additional Patches form, it'll be much clearer and simpler to edit and enter new patches, especially ones with lots of data. I'm aware the current version is a bit awkward.

Are there any others you (or anyone) want improved or specific changes to above forms?

Posted on 12-30-13 01:28 PM Link | #36918
I would like:
* Text editor: to not go back to the top when saving text

Posted on 12-30-13 04:26 PM (rev. 2 of 12-30-13 06:27 PM) Link | #36925
Posted by Hiccup
I would like:
* Text editor: to not go back to the top when saving text

You must be using an old version, that was fixed a good while ago. When you click 'Save Changes' strings get reloaded but the selected string shouldn't change.

2013/12/30 R64
- Additional Patches adding and editing made much simpler and quicker. Note: The structure of the AdditionalPatches.xml file has been heavily changed so make sure you use the new version.
- All windows/forms have been fixed to scale nicely.
- Fixed bug that caused error when DAE model had elements.
- Fixed bug where if model only uses two axes, eg. flat square, the KCL Importer will attemp to create an octree with 100's of thousands of tiny empty or almost empty nodes and would take an impractically long time
- Added 'Change Starting Level' and Skelux's 'Swap Walk and Run' patches.
- Added option to convert hex dump files to binary.
- Object DB updates

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