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Main - NSMB2 hacking - [MOD] New Super Mario Bros 2: Seasonal Mix Hide post layouts | New reply

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Posted on 03-05-17 08:16 PM (rev. 4 of 03-19-17 12:11 AM) Link | #81748

This is a modification for the game NSMB2, themed around seasons, that aims to provide a new experience.


- Full level replacement of World 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Star, and the DLC stages. (Only on Gold/Special Edition)
- Brand new tileset and world themes, as well as model recolors!



Note: These screenshots do not represent the final product!

Playing the demo:

1. Follow the guide at https://gbatemp.net/threads/guide-nsmb2-custom-levels-mods-the-easier-way.437207/ to set your 3DS up for custom levels and mods.

2. Choose the method below according to what method you used in the tutorial.

3. Download the version of the demo you want:

Gold Edition (USA) - https://mega.nz/#!KAFTgKaT!2XU9LXNP6QVOXvVu4z2c6XXjLi6OUt8x_qHn5VKV1lw

Special Edition (EUR) - https://mega.nz/#!aFN3iYaT!oQmZMk3KMT5STbsBC7hs_fJg6UKxzXobuhF7CKVrWnA

Standard Edition (Any region) - https://mega.nz/#!SFti0CJJ!U0K3qOlH4T5GdnruS5Au1q9q5zE7NLRYdsZbqlkNlcY

4. Unzip the downloads, and copy everything inside (The Course, Model, and Unit folders) into the dump romfs folder that you made when following the guide in Step 1.

5. Use the RomFS builder (that you also have) to build the romfs folder into a .romfs file. Copy the .romfs file into SD:/hans/.

6. Rename the file to:


EUR - 0007AF00.romfs

USA - 0007AE00.romfs

JPN - 0007AD00.romfs

NSMB2 Gold Edition:

USA - 00137E00.romfs

NSMB2 Special Edition:

EUR - 00137F00.romfs

JPN - 00137D00.romfs

7. Go into the Homebrew Channel, and go into HANS. Hold L, and set romfs to on.

8. Have fun playing the demo!

3. Download the version of the demo you want:

Gold Edition (USA) - https://mega.nz/#!KAFTgKaT!2XU9LXNP6QVOXvVu4z2c6XXjLi6OUt8x_qHn5VKV1lw

Special Edition (EUR) - https://mega.nz/#!aFN3iYaT!oQmZMk3KMT5STbsBC7hs_fJg6UKxzXobuhF7CKVrWnA

Standard Edition (Any region) - https://mega.nz/#!SFti0CJJ!U0K3qOlH4T5GdnruS5Au1q9q5zE7NLRYdsZbqlkNlcY

4. Simply unzip the demo zip file, and copy everything inside (Course, Model, and Unit folders) to SD:/OnionFS//romfs/ .
( is your actual TitleID)


5. Launch NTR, then launch NSMB2. Have fun playing the demo!

A trailer might be made eventually, but right now the mod is in its mid-stages, with a demo released. With the current progression of ASM hacking, maybe one or two will make it into this mod. ;)

Special thanks to: explos, shibboleet, ElyosOfTheAbyss, pumpkin_pips, Arisotura, RicBent, FouzBerzerk (Logo)
I am the only person working on this mod, and aim to release it in Summer 2017.​

If anyone is curious about NSMB2 modding, shibboleet made a Discord server for it over at https://discord.gg/6nmSXXB

(Most of NSMB2 stuff gets done there)

Posted on 03-06-17 03:06 AM Link | #81756
Ok, that last screenshot drives me crazy with the clashing of colors. I know I'm working on a freezeflame hack, but please, use a better background

Posted on 03-06-17 03:55 AM (rev. 2 of 03-06-17 03:56 AM) Link | #81763
Posted by Toms
Ok, that last screenshot drives me crazy with the clashing of colors. I know I'm working on a freezeflame hack, but please, use a better background

There are only two suitable snow backgrounds, and this is my only good option.

Wait..I thought you were blind... (. ) (. )

Posted on 03-06-17 04:30 AM Link | #81765


Posted on 03-06-17 05:23 AM Link | #81770

Posted on 03-06-17 12:52 PM Link | #81775
boi i can still somewhat see

and if there isnt a better background, then you should look into making your own

Posted on 03-07-17 02:03 AM Link | #81803
Posted by Toms
boi i can still somewhat see

and if there isnt a better background, then you should look into making your own

To be honest, I think the background looks fine...

Huseyin the Mighty
Posted on 03-07-17 01:58 PM (rev. 2 of 03-07-17 01:59 PM) Link | #81821
Posted by Gimzie
To be honest, I think the background looks fine...

Yeah, it's hard to make custom / retextured Backgrounds.

AND i'm making a autumn world too, but my Version is world 1 :)

i make stuff

Posted on 03-07-17 02:53 PM Link | #81822

This looks amazing so far! Keep up the good work :D

Just a fucktard

Posted on 03-08-17 12:04 AM Link | #81831
Posted by Hüseyin der Mächtige
Yeah, it's hard to make custom / retextured Backgrounds.

AND i'm making a autumn world too, but my Version is world 1 :)

I actually had World 1 planned initially, but it wouldn't make much sense. :P

Posted on 03-08-17 09:33 AM Link | #81836

Posted by Gimzie
Full level replacement of World 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and Star.

What about world 5 and the two bonus Worlds? You not doing those?

Posted on 03-08-17 11:43 PM Link | #81842
Posted by explos
What about world 5 and the two bonus Worlds? You not doing those?

The two bonus worlds are not being done, unless someone has any ideas or something. World 5 is being done partially as a transition world. (Kind of how Newer Summer Sun doesn't have all levels in all worlds)

Posted on 03-19-17 12:11 AM Link | #82049

Posted on 03-19-17 02:10 AM Link | #82050
Played it, loved it. My complaints are mainly technical.

Screenshots and comments in the spoiler for spoiler reasons.


These coins are upside down. Actually everything that uses the spinning controller sprite is upside down.

The value that controls the orientation of rotation-controlled coins, question blocks, and brick blocks is value 12. Setting that value to 2 will make them appear right-side up. I think 1 works too but the original game uses 2 so...


You can see the rotation-controlled coins if you scroll the camera up far enough.


Generally, if your level has heavy vertical elements you need to adjust the scrolling so Mario isn't nearly at the top of the screen at all times. I don't know exactly what the upper and lower bound stuff means, but copying the values from an unedited tower level is your best bet.

Also that is a terrible place to put a coin roulette block. If you get 30 or 50 some of them will go off the side and they'll despawn.


Ew, wonky layers. I don't know what's causing this but it's weird.


...are these invisible blocks really necessary?

(not shown: Hammer Bros are not early-game enemies!)


These Goomba stacks don't show up properly while Mario is entering the area from a pipe. They should be moved off-screen of any entrances to avoid this problem.

The moving spiky rocks from a few screenshots up also have this issue.


This is just a nitpick, but it's strange seeing the NSMBU grassland up until this point and then using the original grassland graphics here.


My original complaint was that the pit looks like it has a warp in it due to the layer 2 rocks. Then immediately after I took the screenshot I realized this is a port of SMB3 1-1.


Please don't make remake levels. They've been done to death. I didn't download this hack to play 1-1 from another game; I downloaded this hack to play your original levels.

Posted on 03-19-17 04:41 AM Link | #82054

Posted on 03-22-17 11:13 PM (rev. 2 of 03-22-17 11:15 PM) Link | #82101
Good to see you working again in NSMB2.
It looks interesting and funny, I"ll try it as soon as I have some free time.
Good work by the way.

Posted on 03-23-17 12:13 AM Link | #82104
Posted by C-lector
It looks interesting and funny, I"ll try it as soon as I have some free time.

How is it funny? (Assuming you meant to type in fun)

Posted on 03-23-17 05:12 AM Link | #82106
A fun and entertaining level design.

Posted on 04-14-17 03:19 AM Link | #82482
I need help, got ntr booted , followed all instructions but can't load up onions on ntr booted (dunno how)

Posted on 04-14-17 03:33 AM Link | #82483
Posted by Helper
I need help, got ntr booted , followed all instructions but can't load up onions on ntr booted (dunno how)

If you copied OnionFS to the SD:/plugin/ folder, it should load after you boot NTR, and then launch NSMB2.
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