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11-06-24 02:43 PM

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Posted on 10-27-14 03:16 PM Link | #50300
Posted by Anthe
Picked up Sonic Lost World for €15.
Then, I picked up:
- Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
- Kung Fu Panda/Lego Indiana Jones
- Sega Dreamcast Collection
up for just €17!!!! I love the world!

Nuts & Bolts < Sonic '06

Yeah, that's right. Sonic '06 is better than Nuts & bolts.

Posted on 10-27-14 04:56 PM Link | #50305
well, I think banjo kazooie nuts and bolts is better then sonic '06. what are you gonna do about it.

Posted on 10-27-14 05:36 PM Link | #50308
Dunt caer. Was cheap. Haven't played it YET though. Batteries of my Xbox died x)


Posted on 11-03-14 12:21 AM Link | #50675

On Saturday I got 2 Diancie Codes (If you ask for one, fuck you.) and South Park The Stick of Truth for $24.99+ tax at Walmart.

Posted on 11-04-14 11:36 PM Link | #50834
I'll be getting AW tomorrow, and I'll be posting a large review of it. :P


Posted on 11-18-14 02:59 AM Link | #51380
Just got a new mouse. It was this or the Deathadder. Got this one. Its a Logitech G402. $60. Great mouse.



Posted on 11-18-14 06:22 PM (rev. 2 of 11-18-14 06:26 PM) Link | #51413
So yay, ordered Cubic Ninja for 20$. I guess that's an okay price for homebrew-enabling on your 3DS.

Posted on 11-18-14 06:36 PM Link | #51414
Posted by Degolegodyl
Just got a new mouse. It was this or the Deathadder. Got this one. Its a Logitech G402. $60. Great mouse.



That was actually one of the mouses I considered buying (but ultimately went with the DeathAdder). I'm sure it's a great mouse tho :)

Anyway picked up Mother 3 for GBA (WITH English translation) for $25. Pretty cheap :3

Former SMG2.5 Advertiser and one-time Level Designer/Artist

- FTKing Polari on DN using a mediocre deck: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/TOyJiS0.png >:)
- FTKing Polari on DN yet AGAIN: 100% DONE: https://i.imgur.com/ZUTUPxw.png >8D
- Beat Polari using a deck that's so bad not even the biggest retard of retards would play it: https://i.imgur.com/RnnxkZt.png >:)
- So many Numbers....: https://i.imgur.com/c9KIqLH.jpg
- 5 Fusions in One Turn (epic OTK): https://i.imgur.com/ayP2PJ6.png
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE!: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1522156_702674209772551_1751395151_n.jpg
- LOL: http://9gag.com/gag/a1AB2AP
- DRAW! MONSTER CARD!: https://i.imgur.com/8BcN9SE.png
- So Apparently Norway is rich while Denmark and Sweden are happy. What they don't know is that our wealth gives us happiness as well :D : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfA4EbJCEAAsJfG.png:large

Posted on 11-18-14 09:39 PM Link | #51423
Posted by MarioMaster720
Posted by Degolegodyl
Just got a new mouse. It was this or the Deathadder. Got this one. Its a Logitech G402. $60. Great mouse.



That was actually one of the mouses I considered buying (but ultimately went with the DeathAdder). I'm sure it's a great mouse tho :)

Yeah, was about to get the deathadder, but a friend that owns it told me that it had a double click glitch (even tho its like 1 every 1000th click, but still) and this logitech one has more buttons, which i love about it

Posted on 06-07-15 07:34 PM Link | #60752

So I just got an SNES. I currently don't have any games for it though, other than the Super Game Boy, so I can at least play Game Boy games. Yay.
I've ordered an sd2snes flash card so soon I can play all the games :D

Posted on 06-08-15 02:41 AM Link | #60762
Nice. Would be cool to play ROM hacks on it!

If you're interested, I can give you early access to my SMK hack so you could test it on a real SNES :3

[image] [image]

Posted on 06-08-15 03:43 AM Link | #60763
Is that a European SNES or a Super Famicom?

Posted on 06-08-15 05:15 AM Link | #60765
Posted by MercuryPenny
Is that a European SNES or a Super Famicom?
Definitly NOT a Super Famicom.

Kuribo64 / NSMBHD / MMM

NNID: GreenThunder1337
3DS FC: 1521 - 5979 - 1511

Posted on 06-08-15 04:28 PM Link | #60772
It is an European Super Nintendo, which for me is much prettier than its American sibling.


Posted on 06-09-15 12:19 AM Link | #60787
I think the Famicom looks the coolest tho. :)

Kuribo64 / NSMBHD / MMM

NNID: GreenThunder1337
3DS FC: 1521 - 5979 - 1511

Posted on 06-10-15 02:17 PM Link | #60831

And there it is :)

Time to play a whole lot of SNES games.

Posted on 06-13-15 02:26 AM Link | #60904
Upgraded from my 660 to this nice 960.

Posted on 06-13-15 07:44 AM Link | #60921
that looks hot

I mean cool.

Posted on 06-13-15 02:15 PM Link | #60929
lelel i see what u did there. The fans are really good, under 70% they are quiet, at 100% they sound like jet turbines but they bring the temp of the card down super fast

Posted on 06-13-15 09:49 PM Link | #60952
Posted by Celestial
I got 2 Diancie Codes (If you ask for one, fuck you.)

Nice code you have there can i have it? XD

NNID: Mariomon100
3DS Friend Code: 0473-8619-3062
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