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Main - Posts by Gericom

Pages: 1 2
Posted on 11-03-12 06:47 PM, in Wii Layout Editor Link | #1160
Posted by Mega-Mario
C# itself isn't that bad. OpenGL with C# under Linux, however, sucks.

Not to mention that you're using the Tao Framework, which is outdated and superseded by OpenTK.

I like raw opengl better than OpenTK. Also because I am always using it.

Posted on 11-11-12 01:06 PM, in We need a better documentation repository Link | #1194
Posted by Mega-Mario
A beta version of the wiki is up for testing.

Go nuts.

Suggestions for it are welcome.

When the software will be finished, it'll be linked in the menubar, too.

Why don't you just use mediawiki with a custom style? It is much better.

Posted on 11-11-12 05:07 PM, in We need a better documentation repository Link | #1197
Posted by Mega-Mario
Yeah right, let's use a wiki software that converts one linebreak into nothing, and two linebreaks into two linebreaks, making formatting a pain!

Oh also, if I used MediaWiki, everyone'd have to register to the wiki again. Basically it'd be like the old Kuribo64 with its blog. Or perhaps not, if MW's user data structure isn't too complex...

Page links will be implemented. And for redirects, I'm considering it. Viewable page history is also in the list of planned features.

Anyway, here's an example page made with this wiki system: RARC

I am also a member on cw-games.org and that mediawiki is linked to the forum so logging in isn't needed.

Posted on 11-29-12 05:02 PM, in Looking into SM64DS fixing collision (rev. 2 of 11-29-12 05:02 PM) Link | #1276
I can give you c# code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using OpenTK;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Drawing;

namespace MKDS_Course_Modifier.Converters.Obj2Kcl
class Obj2Kcl
public static void ConvertToKcl(string infile, string outfile)
object[] o = read_obj(infile);
write_kcl(outfile, o[0] as List, (Vector3)o[1], (Vector3)o[2],23, 1, o[3] as string[], o[4] as int[]);
private static object[] read_obj(string filename)
Vector3 bb_min = new Vector3();
Vector3 bb_max = new Vector3();
List vertices = new List();
List triangles = new List();
List Normals = new List();
List Materialu = new List();
List names = new List();
Stream fs = File.OpenRead(filename);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);

string curmaterial = "";
CultureInfo usahax = new CultureInfo("en-US");

string curline;
while ((curline = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
curline = curline.Trim();

// skip empty lines and comments
if (curline.Length < 1) continue;
if (curline[0] == '#') continue;

string[] parts = curline.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (parts.Length < 1) continue;
int face = 0;
switch (parts[0])
case "mtllib": // material lib file


case "usemtl": // material name
if (parts.Length < 2) continue;
curmaterial = parts[1];
if (!names.Contains(curmaterial))

case "v": // vertex
if (parts.Length < 4) continue;
float x = float.Parse(parts[1], usahax);
float y = float.Parse(parts[2], usahax);
float z = float.Parse(parts[3], usahax);

if (x < bb_min.X || bb_min.X == 0) { bb_min.X = x; }
if (y < bb_min.Y || bb_min.Y == 0) { bb_min.Y = y; }
if (z < bb_min.Z || bb_min.Z == 0) { bb_min.Z = z; }
if (x > bb_max.X || bb_max.X == 0) { bb_max.X = x; }
if (y > bb_max.Y || bb_max.Y == 0) { bb_max.Y = y; }
if (z > bb_max.Z || bb_max.Z == 0) { bb_max.Z = z; }
vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

case "vt": // texcoord


case "vn": // normal
if (parts.Length < 4) continue;
float x = float.Parse(parts[1], usahax);
float y = float.Parse(parts[2], usahax);
float z = float.Parse(parts[3], usahax);

Normals.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

//Vector3 vec = new Vector3(x, y, z);

case "f": // face
if (parts.Length < 4) continue;
Vector3 u = vertices[int.Parse(parts[1].Split('/')[0]) - 1];
Vector3 v = vertices[int.Parse(parts[2].Split('/')[0]) - 1];
Vector3 w = vertices[int.Parse(parts[3].Split('/')[0]) - 1];

if (parts[1].Split('/').Length == 2)
Vector3 n = Normals[int.Parse(parts[1].Split('/')[2]) - 1];
if (norm_sq(Vector3.Cross(v - u, w - u)) < 0.001) { continue; } //#TODO: find a better solution
triangles.Add(new Triangle(u, v, w, n));
if (norm_sq(Vector3.Cross(v - u, w - u)) < 0.001) { continue; } //#TODO: find a better solution
triangles.Add(new Triangle(u, v, w));

return new object[] { triangles, bb_min, bb_max, names.ToArray(), Materialu.ToArray() };
private static float maxcubesize = -1;
private static void write_kcl(string filename, List triangles, Vector3 bb_min, Vector3 bb_max, int max_triangles, int min_width, string[] names, int[] materialu)
bb_min -= new Vector3(25f, 25f, 25f);
bb_max += new Vector3(25f, 25f, 25f);
kclType ty = new kclType(names);
ty.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None;
while (ty.DialogResult != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) ;
Dictionary Mapping;
Dictionary Colli;
Mapping = ty.Mapping;
Colli = ty.Colli;

int n_min = next_exponent(min_width, 2);
int n_x = Math.Max(next_exponent(bb_max.X - bb_min.X, 2), n_min);
int n_y = Math.Max(next_exponent(bb_max.Y - bb_min.Y, 2), n_min);
int n_z = Math.Max(next_exponent(bb_max.Z - bb_min.Z, 2), n_min);
n_x = (int)max(n_x, n_z);
n_z = n_x;
int n = Math.Max((int)min(n_x, n_y, n_z), n_min);

float divs_x = (float)Math.Pow(2, (n_x - n));
float divs_y = (float)Math.Pow(2, (n_y - n));
float divs_z = (float)Math.Pow(2, (n_z - n));
float width = (float)Math.Pow(2, n);
maxcubesize = width;

List octree = new List();
List indices = new List();
int l = 0;
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
if (Colli[names[materialu[l]]])
for (int k = 0; k < divs_z; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < divs_y; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < divs_x; i++)
bool st;
octree.Add(new OctreeNode(bb_min + width * new Vector3(i, j, k), width, triangles, indices, max_triangles, min_width, out st));

//OctreeNode octree = [OctreeNode(bb_min + width*Vector(i,j,k),width,triangles,xrange(len(triangles)),max_triangles,min_width)
// for k in xrange(divs_z) for j in xrange(divs_y) for i in xrange(divs_x)]

EndianBinaryWriter f = new EndianBinaryWriter(File.Create(filename), Endianness.LittleEndian);

//# header
f.Write((UInt32)0); //# vertex offset placeholder
f.Write((UInt32)0); //# vector offset placeholder
f.Write((UInt32)0); //# triangle offset placeholder
f.Write((UInt32)0); //# octree offset placeholder
f.Write((UInt32)122880); //# unknown
f.Write((Int32)(bb_min.X * 4096)); //# x min
f.Write((Int32)(bb_min.Y * 4096)); //# y min
f.Write((Int32)(bb_min.Z * 4096)); //# z min
f.Write((UInt32)((0xFFFFFFFF << n_x) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); //# x mask
f.Write((UInt32)((0xFFFFFFFF << n_y) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); //# y mask
f.Write((UInt32)((0xFFFFFFFF << n_z) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); //# z mask
f.Write((UInt32)n); //# coordinate shift
f.Write((UInt32)(n_x - n)); //# y shift
f.Write((UInt32)(n_x - n + n_y - n)); //# z shift
f.Write((UInt32)102400); //# unknown

//# vertex section
int pos = (int)f.BaseStream.Position;
f.BaseStream.Position = 0;
f.Write((Int32)pos); //# vertex offset
f.BaseStream.Position = pos;
List Vt = new List();
List Videx = new List();
int ii = 0;
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
if (Colli[names[materialu[ii]]])
int d = containsVector3(t.u, Vt);
if (d == -1)
Videx.Add(Vt.Count - 1);
foreach (Vector3 c in Vt)
f.Write((Int32)(c.X * 4096));
f.Write((Int32)(c.Y * 4096));
f.Write((Int32)(c.Z * 4096));

//# vector section
pos = (int)f.BaseStream.Position;
f.BaseStream.Position = 4;
f.Write((Int32)pos); //# vector offset
f.BaseStream.Position = pos;

List Norm = new List();
List Nidex = new List();
ii = 0;
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
if (Colli[names[materialu[ii]]])
Vector3 a = -unit(Vector3.Cross(t.w - t.u, t.n));
Vector3 b = unit(Vector3.Cross(t.v - t.u, t.n));
Vector3 c = unit(Vector3.Cross(t.w - t.v, t.n));
int d = containsVector3(t.n, Norm);
if (d == -1)
Nidex.Add(Norm.Count - 1);
d = containsVector3(a, Norm);
if (d == -1)
Nidex.Add(Norm.Count - 1);
d = containsVector3(b, Norm);
if (d == -1)
Nidex.Add(Norm.Count - 1);
d = containsVector3(c, Norm);
if (d == -1)
Nidex.Add(Norm.Count - 1);

foreach (Vector3 c in Norm)
f.Write((Int16)(c.X * 4096));
f.Write((Int16)(c.Y * 4096));
f.Write((Int16)(c.Z * 4096));

while (f.BaseStream.Position % 4 != 0) { f.Write((Byte)0); }

//# triangle section
pos = (int)f.BaseStream.Position;
f.BaseStream.Position = 8;
f.Write((Int32)(pos - 16)); //# triangle offset
f.BaseStream.Position = pos;
int m = 0;
ii = 0;
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
if (Colli[names[materialu[ii]]])
Vector3 c = unit(Vector3.Cross(t.w - t.v, t.n));
f.Write((Int32)(Vector3.Dot(t.w - t.u, c) * 4096)); //# length
f.Write((UInt16)(Videx[m])); //# vertex index
f.Write((UInt16)(Nidex[4 * m])); //# normal index
f.Write((UInt16)(Nidex[4 * m + 1])); //# a index
f.Write((UInt16)(Nidex[4 * m + 2])); //# b index
f.Write((UInt16)(Nidex[4 * m + 3])); //# c index
f.Write(Bytes.StringToByte(string.Format("{0:X4}", Mapping[names[materialu[ii]]])), 0, 2); //# surface type

//# octree section
pos = (int)f.BaseStream.Position;
f.BaseStream.Position = 12;
f.Write((Int32)pos); //# octree offset
f.BaseStream.Position = pos;
long bas = f.BaseStream.Position;
Queue nodes;
Queue nodeStarts;
OctreeNode current;
Collection dataSection;
int progress, totalNodes;
long freeAddress, startAddress, dataStart;

startAddress = freeAddress = f.BaseStream.Position;
nodes = new Queue();
dataSection = new Collection();
nodeStarts = new Queue();

for (int i = 0; i < octree.Count; i++)
freeAddress += octree.Count * 4;
progress = 0;
totalNodes = octree.Count;
while (nodes.Count > 0)
current = nodes.Dequeue();

if (current.is_leaf)
f.Write((int)(freeAddress - nodeStarts.Dequeue()));
for (int i = 0; i < current.branches.Count; i++)
freeAddress += 0x20;

//progressHandler.Invoke(10 + ((45 * progress) / totalNodes), Program.GetString("ProgressWritingOctree"));

dataStart = f.BaseStream.Position;
freeAddress = startAddress;
f.BaseStream.Seek(startAddress, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < octree.Count; i++)
freeAddress += octree.Count * 4;
progress = 0;

while (nodes.Count > 0)
startAddress = f.BaseStream.Position;
current = nodes.Dequeue();

if (current.is_leaf)
f.Write((int)(int.MinValue | (f.BaseStream.Length - nodeStarts.Dequeue() - 2)));
f.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
for (int i = 0; i < current.indices.Count; i++)
f.Write((ushort)(current.indices + 1));

for (int i = 0; i < current.indices.Count; i++)
dataSection.Add((ushort)(current.indices + 1));

f.BaseStream.Seek(startAddress + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
f.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
for (int i = 0; i < current.branches.Count; i++)
freeAddress += 0x20;

//progressHandler.Invoke(55 + ((45 * progress) / totalNodes), Program.GetString("ProgressWritingOctree"));
private static int containsVector3(Vector3 a, List b)
for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++)
if (b.X == a.X && b.Y == a.Y && b.Z == a.Z)
return i;
return -1;
private static int next_exponent(float value, int bas)
if (value <= 1) { return 0; }
return (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(value, bas)));
public static float norm_sq(Vector3 a)
return a.X * a.X + a.Y * a.Y + a.Z * a.Z;
public static float norm(Vector3 a)
return (float)Math.Sqrt(norm_sq(a));
public static Vector3 unit(Vector3 a)
Vector3 r = a;
r = Vector3.Divide(r, norm(r));
return r;
private class Triangle
public Vector3 u;
public Vector3 v;
public Vector3 w;
public Vector3 n;
public Triangle(Vector3 u, Vector3 v, Vector3 w)
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.n = unit(Vector3.Cross(v - u, w - u));
public Triangle(Vector3 u, Vector3 v, Vector3 w, Vector3 n)
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.n = n;
private class OctreeNode : Cube
public bool is_leaf;
public List indices = new List();
public List branches = new List();
public OctreeNode(Vector3 bas, float width, List triangles, List indices, int max_triangles, int min_width, out bool stayd)
stayd = false;
this.hw = width / 2.0f;
this.c = bas + new Vector3(this.hw, this.hw, this.hw);
this.is_leaf = true;
bool stay = false;
bool go = false;
foreach (int i in indices)
bool stay2;
bool go2;
if (tricube_overlap(triangles, this, out stay2, out go2)) { this.indices.Add(i); }
if (stay == false && stay2)
stay = stay2;
if (go == false && go2)
go = go2;
if (stay && this.indices.Count < 64)
stayd = true;
else if (this.indices.Count >= 64)
go = true;
if (this.indices.Count > max_triangles && this.hw > min_width/* || this.hw > 32 && this.indices.Count > 0*/ || go && this.hw > min_width)
this.is_leaf = false;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bool st;
this.branches.Add(new OctreeNode(bas + this.hw * new Vector3(i, j, k), this.hw, triangles, this.indices, max_triangles, min_width, out st));
if (st)
this.is_leaf = true;
foreach (int l in indices)
bool stay2;
bool go2;
if (tricube_overlap(triangles, this, out stay2, out go2)) { this.indices.Add(l); }
private class Cube
public float hw;
public Vector3 c;
//def __init__(self,base,width):
// self.hw = width/2.0
// self.c = base + Vector(self.hw,self.hw,self.hw)

public bool axis_test(float a1, float a2, float b1, float b2, float c1, float c2, Cube c)
float p = a1 * b1 + a2 * b2;
float q = a1 * c1 + a2 * c2;
float r = /*(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)*/c.hw * (Math.Abs(a1) + Math.Abs(a2));
return Math.Min(p, q) > r || Math.Max(p, q) < -r;

public bool tricube_overlap(Triangle t, Cube c, out bool stay, out bool go)
/*float oldhw = c.hw;
//c.hw += 1;
//c.hw += 10;
stay = false;
go = false;

Vector3 v0 = t.u - c.c;
Vector3 v1 = t.v - c.c;
Vector3 v2 = t.w - c.c;

float hw = c.hw;
c.hw += hw/4f;

if (min(v0.X, v1.X, v2.X) > c.hw || max(v0.X, v1.X, v2.X) < -/*(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)/c.hw) { goto endfalse; }
if (min(v0.Y, v1.Y, v2.Y) > c.hw || max(v0.Y, v1.Y, v2.Y) < -/*(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)/c.hw) { goto endfalse; }
if (min(v0.Z, v1.Z, v2.Z) > c.hw || max(v0.Z, v1.Z, v2.Z) < -/*(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)/c.hw) { goto endfalse; }

/*float d = Vector3.Dot(t.n, v0);
float r = /*(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)/c.hw * (Math.Abs(t.n.X) + Math.Abs(t.n.Y) + Math.Abs(t.n.Z));
if (d > r || d < -r) { goto endfalse; }

Vector3 e = v1 - v0;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v2.Y, v2.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v2.X, v2.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, c)) { goto endfalse; }

e = v2 - v1;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v2.Y, v2.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v2.X, v2.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v0.X, v0.Y, v1.X, v1.Y, c)) { goto endfalse; }

e = v0 - v2;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v1.Y, v1.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v1.X, v1.Z, c)) { goto endfalse; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, c)) { goto endfalse; }/
c.hw = hw;
if (c.hw < 64)
if (v0.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f) || v1.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f) || v2.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f))// || v0.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f) || v1.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f) || v2.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f))
stay = true;
//go = true;
return true;
c.hw = hw;
return false;
/*stay = false;
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3D r = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3D(c.c.X - c.hw, c.c.Y - c.hw, c.c.Z - c.hw, c.hw, c.hw, c.hw);
if (r.Contains(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D(t.u.X, t.u.Y, t.u.Z)) || r.Contains(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D(t.v.X, t.v.Y, t.v.Z)) || r.Contains(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3D(t.w.X, t.w.Y, t.w.Z)))
return true;
return false;*/
//c.hw += 1;
//c.hw += 10;
stay = false;
go = false;

Vector3 v0 = t.u - c.c;
Vector3 v1 = t.v - c.c;
Vector3 v2 = t.w - c.c;

if (min(v0.X, v1.X, v2.X) > c.hw || max(v0.X, v1.X, v2.X) < -(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)) { return false; }
if (min(v0.Y, v1.Y, v2.Y) > c.hw || max(v0.Y, v1.Y, v2.Y) < -(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)) { return false; }
if (min(v0.Z, v1.Z, v2.Z) > c.hw || max(v0.Z, v1.Z, v2.Z) < -(c.hw + c.hw / 4f)) { return false; }

float d = Vector3.Dot(t.n, v0);
float r = (c.hw + c.hw / 4f) * (Math.Abs(t.n.X) + Math.Abs(t.n.Y) + Math.Abs(t.n.Z));
if (d > r || d < -r) { return false; }

Vector3 e = v1 - v0;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v2.Y, v2.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v2.X, v2.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, c)) { return false; }

e = v2 - v1;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v2.Y, v2.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v2.X, v2.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v0.X, v0.Y, v1.X, v1.Y, c)) { return false; }

e = v0 - v2;
if (axis_test(e.Z, -e.Y, v0.Y, v0.Z, v1.Y, v1.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(-e.Z, e.X, v0.X, v0.Z, v1.X, v1.Z, c)) { return false; }
if (axis_test(e.Y, -e.X, v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y, c)) { return false; }
if (c.hw < 64)
stay = true;
//if (v0.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f) || v1.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f) || v2.Y > (c.hw / 2f) + (c.hw / 4f))// || v0.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f) || v1.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f) || v2.Y < -(c.hw / 2.0f) - (c.hw / 4f))
// stay = true;
// //go = true;
return true;
private static float min(params float[] v)
float min = float.MaxValue;
foreach (float f in v)
if (f < min)
min = f;
return min;
private static float max(params float[] v)
float max = float.MinValue;
foreach (float f in v)
if (f > max)
max = f;
return max;
private static Vector3 MinMax(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, Vector3 input)
Vector3 a = input;
if (min.X > a.X)
min.X = a.X;
if (min.Y > a.Y)
min.Y = a.Y;
if (min.Z > a.Z)
min.Z = a.Z;
if (max.X < a.X)
max.X = a.X;
if (max.Y < a.Y)
max.Y = a.Y;
if (max.Z < a.Z)
max.Z = a.Z;
return a;

Posted on 12-04-12 12:14 PM, in Looking into SM64DS fixing collision (rev. 2 of 12-04-12 12:15 PM) Link | #1402
Why do you round things? Writing fixed point numbers is easy. You can do it like this:
float number = 1234.5678f;
uint write = (uint)(number * 4096f);
I don't know why a 1 bit sign + 19 bit integer + 12 bit fractional part should be a problem...
(I use it very often and I never have problems)

Posted on 12-16-12 09:36 AM, in Looking into SM64DS fixing collision Link | #1804
Posted by blank
Is that model in the right scale? Compared to the TTC collision it's very small. If it is in the right scale it would mean that models and collision are scaled differently and we would have to find the correct scale.

In mkds, the models have also another scale than the collision and object placements. It is 0.062 for the model. And most of the time, you need to freeze the transformations and do a 1.008 scale to fit it perfectly.

Posted on 12-30-12 04:00 PM, in Whitehole key control Link | #2416
Posted by Mega-Mario
Thanks :)

Also, for the camera positioning when you open a galaxy, I've rather been thinking about placing the camera right behind the first level entrance, or something.

That's a nice idea.

Posted on 01-05-13 05:32 PM, in Editor development Link | #3227
Posted by Fiachra
Do you know what files are used for the title image? I looked for it but couldn't find it. Also, I'm not sure isc, icg, icl (minimaps) are the same as nsc, ncg and ncl - the screen, graphic and palette of all the other images though I'm sure they're very similar, if not the same with a different extension.
They are the same. You can view them with the last beta of mkds course modifier (4.0 beta 5.1)

Posted on 01-09-13 06:48 PM, in The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks Hack (first ever) Link | #4857
I made a collision importer for it already. But it is still buggy.

Posted on 01-12-13 07:58 PM, in PyBCK - Animation Reader Link | #5615
You can also export bck and bca with mkds course modifier. It exportes to ma (maya ascii). You can find in tools menu.

Posted on 01-16-13 01:04 PM, in Editor development Link | #6368
Posted by Mega-Mario
I guess it depends on how many objects and stuff you have in your level.

It's like for texture size: there's no absolute limit, but you can tell that past a certain number, things tend to become unstable (like textures getting glitched or freezes).

The limit is the available ram on the nintendo ds.

Posted on 01-17-13 01:13 PM, in Editor development Link | #6564
Posted by Dirbaio
The DS's hardware can handle maximum 2048 triangles or 1536 quads. (It has Vertex Ram for 6144 vertices).
Polygons that are completely outside the viewing volume are not stored at all in the Vertex RAM. This is why it's possible to put models with more than 2048 triangles. As long as not all of them are visible at the same time, it will work fine.

When the Vertex or Polygon RAM is full, any new polygons will fail to display. I'm not sure if it actually freezes the 3D hardware. GBATek says nothing, and I've never personally tested it. But I *think* it doesn't freeze, it just ignores new polygons.

With my mkdd models in mkds it always happens. It just doesn't display the remaining polygons.

Posted on 02-10-13 09:35 AM, in SM64DS Editor v2.1 -- the long-awaited release Link | #14632
Posted by Skelux
Great release. Do you have any information on fog? It's a small detail still preventing full flexibility of level layout in the game.

I don't know about the fog color and detensy, but the fog enable flag is in the material settings (of the bmd). In mkds the fog color and detensy is stored in the nkm.

Posted on 02-17-13 07:51 PM, in We really need a Maya tutorial for Planetmaking Link | #15870
For easy modelling, you could use sketch-up.

Posted on 07-02-13 08:09 AM, in Character Model and Texture Hacking in Super Mario 64 DS Link | #26856
Posted by Silver
Yeah you can use a program that opens those models and exports them, i might be wrong but maybe Gericom's MKDS editor might work (I've never used it though)

It does not export sm64ds models yet. It can view them though. I will try to implement that just like I did with nsbmd.

Posted on 07-20-13 07:35 AM, in SM64DS Editor Help Thread - Post your questions here Link | #28612
Posted by Dirbaio
Texture coordinates in DS are referenced by pixels, not by [0..1] range. So I guess you'd have to modify the tex coords in the model data too, not just change the size of the texture itself.

Yes, that's true. Only making the textures bigger will cause the texture to crop on the model. (or repeat when making smaller.)

Posted on 07-24-13 04:48 PM, in Character Model and Texture Hacking in Super Mario 64 DS Link | #28855
Posted by Nintega Dario
How do you texture hack the Character head sprites that are on the map (The sprites that show you where your character is, like Mario's head sprite for example)?

Those are no textures. They are 2d sprites.

Posted on 07-25-13 06:08 AM, in Super Mario 64 DS Weird secret. Link | #28912
I knew already. As for the walls, it seems to be a wrong palette.

Posted on 09-01-13 07:41 AM, in SM64DS Editor Help Thread - Post your questions here Link | #31542
Posted by Crashdance22
Where in the display list would I specify 0x14? Or is it more involved than that? Either way I'll probably just wait for Fiachra to implement bone editing.

You can not simply add something to a display list, since it's packet.

Posted on 09-27-13 06:23 PM, in The Birthday Wishes Thread Link | #33076
Thanks all!
Bedankt allemaal!
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